@Scratchin_Bandit @htrap handle these bootlickers for me i gotta take a s***
bro brushes off real experiences from real people who've suffered through communism as propaganda and then asks what relevancy the Cold War has I'm gone
Told them my parents came to America to escape Marxist ideals, and made a living for themselves in America. They currently own property and rent some out. So Its hard for me to not see the value in capitalism and the only reply that got was that they were "exploitative peices of s***" for renting out property.
Faygo was not the one to say this but his comments resonate the sentiment.
I have nothing to add to this discussion. Op needs to experience more of life before coming up with solutions. Yes there are socioeconomic divides and that is an issue but outright communism imo is not the solution.
so your telling me that countries that were overthrown, embargoed and sanctioned by western nations are failures because of their ideology.
you really are clueless
there are hundreds of thousands of people who came to this country to escape communism, and surprisingly enough, some of them wrote about it! maybe put down the conceptual literature and actually read a little about how people felt about it when they actually lived it
i get you wanna be different and all, but that doesn't mean you have to be a complete idiot at the same time lmfao
you must also realize that said people are mainly reactionary or members of higher classes within society. and when you actually fact check these peoples claims they often lie to fit their own narrative.
aye f*** anybody lookin down on a person for whatever job they got, that includes s***workers too
aye f*** anybody lookin down on a person for whatever job they got, that includes s***workers too
its a mans world but p**** makes the world go round
the soviet union was illegally dissolved against the will of the soviet people
Told them my parents came to America to escape Marxist ideals, and made a living for themselves in America. They currently own property and rent some out. So Its hard for me to not see the value in capitalism and the only reply that got was that they were "exploitative peices of s***" for renting out property.
Faygo was not the one to say this but his comments resonate the sentiment.
I have nothing to add to this discussion. Op needs to experience more of life before coming up with solutions. Yes there are socioeconomic divides and that is an issue but outright communism imo is not the solution.
respect, glad to hear your people cut a slice out for themselves
mass equality might be attractive on paper, but there are living examples of the suffering that entails in the real world, just like your family. people like faygo will say their stories are propaganda while being completely sheltered from ever having to live like that.
i'd say it has something to do with it but at the same time i agree that a lot of people are hypocritical when they say they're about something and then view certain workers as lesser
No it doesnt, it has literally nothing to do with the rich elite. its people in general that glorify the wrong people.
like you guys will s*** on rich elite but eat up the latest episodes of kuwtk. this country is filled with hypocritcal frauds
No it doesnt, it has literally nothing to do with the rich elite. its people in general that glorify the wrong people.
like you guys will s*** on rich elite but eat up the latest episodes of kuwtk. this country is filled with hypocritcal frauds
who tf watches kuwtk
i get your point tho
yall lowkey bringing irrelevant arguments that are attached to the word "communism" only in the regard that the west was on some "communism is the devil i.e. 'Evil Empire' " meanwhile US military got free reign to drop their democratic bombs and fire their 'justice' all over the place and make sure they villainize any country that's proving their rendition of socialism succeeded with providing universal education, healthcare and other s***.
This man typed out a book cappin for this s*** but he's speechless to the person who has family who've actually lived through the s*** lmfao
Just say you wanna be edgy already
who tf watches kuwtk
i get your point tho
"all u guys just do is hate rich people but watch the kardashians"
yeah fam we all get together and sing USSR anthem and wonder what Kkkhloe, Kkkylie and all the other girls are doing
dude you make threads trying to be edgy and bash women i dont think you are qualified to speak
Another anti-capitalism thread
now i can read op
No it doesnt, it has literally nothing to do with the rich elite. its people in general that glorify the wrong people.
like you guys will s*** on rich elite but eat up the latest episodes of kuwtk. this country is filled with hypocritcal frauds
aight the example u used just sounds funny tho im trying to figure out what u were tryna say in the old post but
who tf watches kuwtk
i get your point tho
People on this site lmao
People itt
yall legit so f***ing stupid lmao. I know plenty of people who despise the the rich elites were huge Occupy wallstreet supporters identify as 99%era and STILL s*** on jobs they deem beneath them like Janitorial work, pest control, sewage workers.
Unsightly careers have always been s*** on and mocked and it aint got s*** to do with the rich
I mean I will give you that just speaks to how our society has painted those jobs, which is f***ed up we should value people actually helping to clean up the messes that we make 10x more than we do,
i don't know how close your mention of this is to what OP is saying other than working class division, i didn't even read the whole OP lemme go back
have you ever noticed how for instance someone with a office job will look down on the fast food or retail worker. This is even ingrained in ones mind early on in their life.
This is a ploy by the ruling class in order to create a rift between workers. Just because you may be a bit more comfortable with your corporate job does not mean you are being exploited less than someone who is working a less than desirable job.
The working class is the strongest force in the world and if truly united it will topple and annihilate capitalism so in turn people are fired for unionizing this nation has a history of violent repression of the worker and their rights so you must realize that the billionaires and corporations are nothing without our labor.
They have created a culture where people who create the backbone of a society (basic laborers) are viewed as lazy and not hard working and lied to the corporate worker telling them that if they keep working harder then they could become a part of the ruling class when really this worker is being exploited so that these corporations make more money.
The black, brown and white workers are pitted against each other by said elites so they may never unite to topple their true oppressors capitalism uses classism and racism as tools to keep the worker divided.
The worker also has their religious differences exploited by painting different faiths as the other who are a threat to another groups way of life.
TLDR: The working class is divided because of a toxic culture created by elites in order to maintain its power.
idek if that is a whole ploy because it's already been done.
So like the work is already done and the higher ups use it to their benefit to make sure there isn't class unity that starts demanding for more fruit from their hard labor instead of accepting the bare minimum.
I think people as a whole perpetrate those ideas because we live in a society and economic system based on greed and stepping on the next person,
where billionaires call them-selves self-made when they profit off the blood sweat and tears of however many workers physically produce their products or do all types of other s***
I agree that it is much easier for these people to keep power if all the groups are divided, otherwise its over for Jef Bozos and colleagues