  • Jan 13, 2020
    2 replies

    Beautiful work does not equal monetary gain unfortunately

    @oka becuase being good at something does not guarantee notary success
    And you need money to make money

    Wait hold up good businessmen makes money wtf 💀💀💀 have you ever seen a bad business person that makes a lot of money?? If youre not good at business then youre bad not good and you dont make money

  • You need to understand that we’re not associating the amount of knowledge to monetary success but if you're a good business person then you make money

  • Learning how to be good at anything will never automatically make you money but if you’re a business person that’s literally what you do

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply
    goonicide bomber

    Wait hold up good businessmen makes money wtf 💀💀💀 have you ever seen a bad business person that makes a lot of money?? If youre not good at business then youre bad not good and you dont make money

    What is a good business man? Just getting money? So d*** dealers are good business men?

    And business men need money,status, and connections. Something many don’t have

  • Jan 13, 2020

    Title was lit

    content of OP is pure trash

    This. Elite's people doesn't care at all of the lives of the rest of 99% or 90% folks. For them is more like of "them, who'll fight for it".

  • Jan 13, 2020


  • Jan 13, 2020
    2 replies

    What is a good business man? Just getting money? So d*** dealers are good business men?

    And business men need money,status, and connections. Something many don’t have

    No you don’t. Have you ever heard of e-commerce? D*** dealers are really good at business. The cartel is more powerful than the mexican government itself. El Chapo is one of the richest people in the world. Jay-Z started his knowledge of business at d*** dealing and took it to where he is now. You need to understand that being a d*** dealer doesnt make you any different than any other business man except for the products that you sell. I see you trying to bring things up to attempt to defy the information that we’re trying to bring to you though but its ok to be open minded

  • Also the best d*** dealers you never hear about. The d*** dealers that are in jail are the ones that are bad at their job

  • Jan 13, 2020

    no one knows s*** til they try it themselves

  • LMFAO yeah nah you right

    But if you listen to what he says tho he talks about how important it is to be frugal. For a while even after he became a millionaire he only lived in an apartment where he only paid $1000 a month for rent and did that for a while. He talked about it saying that if everything went wrong and he lost everything then he knew he would be safe and he could just probably go get a job at Starbucks or something and still be able to pay his rent every month. But he also talked about his fear of losing it all was the cause of that and he wanted to take more risk because he would end up losing it if he kept being fearful of losing it so that’s why he moved out.

  • Jan 13, 2020
    2 replies

    That is not how capitalism works dude

    The single reason for the existence of any business must be that it supplies a human need or want.

    Just type, "I want" into Google. Or "how can I". Or "where to find". You'll find millions of people telling you exactly what they need.

    Then all you do is find a sub category in some ever green niche, produce or compile a huge list of things PEOPLE NEED, produce/compile what they need then >>>GIVE IT TO THEM.

    But lock the product so they're forced to do you a favor before they can get it. It's really that simple.

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply
    goonicide bomber

    No you don’t. Have you ever heard of e-commerce? D*** dealers are really good at business. The cartel is more powerful than the mexican government itself. El Chapo is one of the richest people in the world. Jay-Z started his knowledge of business at d*** dealing and took it to where he is now. You need to understand that being a d*** dealer doesnt make you any different than any other business man except for the products that you sell. I see you trying to bring things up to attempt to defy the information that we’re trying to bring to you though but its ok to be open minded

    Mexico is also not a fully first world country. These two are also anomalies, not the norm.

    I’m not. I’m just thinking you guys are looking at things too straightforward. It’s not that simple. Hard work is great for anything but it does not always equate to success. Can anyone be a millionaire or business man? Technically yes because of the system. But that’s not enough

  • shostakovich

    The single reason for the existence of any business must be that it supplies a human need or want.

    Just type, "I want" into Google. Or "how can I". Or "where to find". You'll find millions of people telling you exactly what they need.

    Then all you do is find a sub category in some ever green niche, produce or compile a huge list of things PEOPLE NEED, produce/compile what they need then >>>GIVE IT TO THEM.

    But lock the product so they're forced to do you a favor before they can get it. It's really that simple.

    I’m mad at you bro lmaoo. You know how all this works man i dont want too see you telling yourself you can’t make it to a certain point because you definitely can. Your own mental is what either pushes you forward or keeps you back and you can go as far as you want especially with how you’re talking about the topic of business. Trust within yourself

  • Jan 13, 2020

    The single reason for the existence of any business must be that it supplies a human need or want.

    Just type, "I want" into Google. Or "how can I". Or "where to find". You'll find millions of people telling you exactly what they need.

    Then all you do is find a sub category in some ever green niche, produce or compile a huge list of things PEOPLE NEED, produce/compile what they need then >>>GIVE IT TO THEM.

    But lock the product so they're forced to do you a favor before they can get it. It's really that simple.

    Check above post

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Mexico is also not a fully first world country. These two are also anomalies, not the norm.

    I’m not. I’m just thinking you guys are looking at things too straightforward. It’s not that simple. Hard work is great for anything but it does not always equate to success. Can anyone be a millionaire or business man? Technically yes because of the system. But that’s not enough

    I understand you say it’s not that straight forward though giving yourself more understanding of the topic from work in business or studying business and commerce will give a better understanding of the point we were attempting to convey. We’re simplifying it and it definitely isn’t an easy path but also there’s nothing false about what we’re stating either. Once you indulge yourself in the topic and surround yourself by people who have gained success and having conversations while gaining knowledge about how they executed the results they’ve gotten in effect as well as what they currently do, to reach to the point where they have made their definition of financial success then you’ll greater understanding of the information presented and how it can be successfully applied. Its not in my intentions to force the information onto you as it would hold no reward for myself to do so but I do encourage for you to take the step to be open to it and release the press of inner tension in releasing statements as rebuttal in conversation as you may find information that you may consider worthy of having acknowledgment of

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    You say this like its simple

    Have you not been reading this thread or do you just say random s***

  • Jan 13, 2020
    2 replies
    goonicide bomber

    Wait hold up good businessmen makes money wtf 💀💀💀 have you ever seen a bad business person that makes a lot of money?? If youre not good at business then youre bad not good and you dont make money

    Tons of bad businessmen make a lot of money

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Tons of bad businessmen make a lot of money

    Exactly so if you’re good at it then you’re already better than them

  • Jan 13, 2020
    goonicide bomber

    Exactly so if you’re good at it then you’re already better than them

    Tons of good businessman make less than some bad businessman
    its all about what you’re selling

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply
    goonicide bomber

    No you don’t. Have you ever heard of e-commerce? D*** dealers are really good at business. The cartel is more powerful than the mexican government itself. El Chapo is one of the richest people in the world. Jay-Z started his knowledge of business at d*** dealing and took it to where he is now. You need to understand that being a d*** dealer doesnt make you any different than any other business man except for the products that you sell. I see you trying to bring things up to attempt to defy the information that we’re trying to bring to you though but its ok to be open minded

    Bruh said el chaps

    Please use googles before making statements on KTT2 that you know nothing about

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Tons of bad businessmen make a lot of money

    if you mean bad business men in terms of their ideas being bad then yes if you mean bad as in terms of work ethic no

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    if you mean bad business men in terms of their ideas being bad then yes if you mean bad as in terms of work ethic no

    Go to your local big Named car dealership and look around my guy

  • Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Go to your local big Named car dealership and look around my guy

    what do you mean like why'd you say that

  • Jan 13, 2020

    what do you mean like why'd you say that

    Bad businessmen can make more than good businessmen if they’re selling a higher end product. I said that to say we shouldn’t equate money with success