Bruh said el chaps
Please use googles before making statements on KTT2 that you know nothing about
What do you mean?
I dont think he’s a billionaire d***lord for nothing the mans know what he’s doing.
What do you mean?
I dont think he’s a billionaire d***lord for nothing the mans know what he’s doing.
Success = Being wealthy with no freedom to spend it
Success = Being wealthy with no freedom to spend it
Before they brought him to a US prison he owned all the prisons they sent him to lmao and pretty much left when he felt like it. Now that’s power. The Mexican government accidentally found his son and s*** bricks. Since they found him though they had to capture him but they knew they were in for some s*** and they pretty much immediately released him at the simple word to be released by his step brother and it shows how much pure power they have. The control they have over Mexico is amazing. But anyways if he wasnt a good business man he wouldn’t have reached a billion dollars. Him going to jail has nothing to do with it as it is incoherent to attempt to add in unrelated information to try to cause a readjustment of stature of the point being presented. Here we are discussing the fact that a good businessman knows how to make money. Incarceration is an unrelated topic but if you’d like to have a discussion about it I would be more than happy to as i do find the information surrounding el chapo as well as the mexican cartel more than interesting.
I understand you say it’s not that straight forward though giving yourself more understanding of the topic from work in business or studying business and commerce will give a better understanding of the point we were attempting to convey. We’re simplifying it and it definitely isn’t an easy path but also there’s nothing false about what we’re stating either. Once you indulge yourself in the topic and surround yourself by people who have gained success and having conversations while gaining knowledge about how they executed the results they’ve gotten in effect as well as what they currently do, to reach to the point where they have made their definition of financial success then you’ll greater understanding of the information presented and how it can be successfully applied. Its not in my intentions to force the information onto you as it would hold no reward for myself to do so but I do encourage for you to take the step to be open to it and release the press of inner tension in releasing statements as rebuttal in conversation as you may find information that you may consider worthy of having acknowledgment of
Thanks for the reply sincerely
But that’s what I’m saying. How do you get to those people first off without status? Millionaires associate around other millionaires
Have you not been reading this thread or do you just say random s***
How tf do you think I came across your post
Thanks for the reply sincerely
But that’s what I’m saying. How do you get to those people first off without status? Millionaires associate around other millionaires
Most of these people with money aren’t a******s they have class. They treat the janitor the same way they treat the CEO. All you gotta do is just talk to them and be honest and real because they don’t deal with bs and fake people trying to meech off of them but they’re people too no different than you or I. Theres just a major false perspective about people with money which dont get me wrong can be true about some but especially if the person came up from nothing to get where they are or we’re raised well by their parents they can be the nicest sweetest people. Money never defines your character but some people like to put their money in front of their character but we shouldn’t mix up the two.
Thanks for the reply sincerely
But that’s what I’m saying. How do you get to those people first off without status? Millionaires associate around other millionaires
Also youre right millionaires do hang around other people with money but usually people with more money than they do because they know one of the most important rules to life. Never be the smartest person in the room. And if you are then you need to switch rooms.
Yep, they strip us of our confidence through school, showing us these images through social media, through branding + marketing etc. , everything is made to you feel less about yourself and make you worry about a billion things and just be a consumerist slave, also news are there to control us through negative images... + feeding pol literal trash , making them fat , and the rat race of course , chasing a promotion etc.
Like when is a big headline something inspiring , or positive ?????? wake up its all set up to keep us down
Also the whole concept of being rich = being successful , is bullshit, you can be happy right now..
The invention of money the dumbest s*** ever!!!
I mean who are the happiest ppl on earth ? Some indiginous ppl that have to worry about their lifes only and not all this artificial bullshit
Happynies not a target, its a way of life
if you don't see this do some physicadelic d****, you will see we are all one, and all your worries/plans/strategizing doesnt matter
F*** plans. Don’t ever make plans; instead, create habits that you can start implementing right now
I'm not saying anyone could become a billionaire, but easily a millionaire in my opinion.
Here is how capitalism works in a nutshell (I can't believe I'm explaining this):
1) A crowd of people with or without money want something.
2) You create / provide the most potent form of what they're looking for and take their money either directly, or from advertisers.
It's the exchange of money from person A to person B.
You want to be person B.
The reality is, this is actually very easy to do. So easy that I'd be a millionaire if I simply had the work ethic to put all my ideas into action. But I don't. Cause I have a bad habit of getting complacent once I hit the "average" mark.
Lol this is exactly what they teach at those pyramid schemes. Robert Kiyosaki and Grant Cardone type of bullshit.
You better off driving for Uber than developing the “work ethic” in order to become a millionaire
Lol this is exactly what they teach at those pyramid schemes. Robert Kiyosaki and Grant Cardone type of bullshit.
You better off driving for Uber than developing the “work ethic” in order to become a millionaire
I’m confused if this is satire but I’m hollering
I’m confused if this is satire but I’m hollering
I’m f***ing around a little bit in the last paragraph but other than that I’m serious.
Not everybody can become a “millionaire”. And if that happens a million won’t be worth s***
I’m f***ing around a little bit in the last paragraph but other than that I’m serious.
Not everybody can become a “millionaire”. And if that happens a million won’t be worth s***
No you’re right not everyone can be. Some people lack the mental capacity to be able to do it and are just stupid and the other people are uneducated or tell themselves that they can’t. But if you know the path that you have to take and you’re smart and persistent then there’s nothing stopping you but yourself.
I’m f***ing around a little bit in the last paragraph but other than that I’m serious.
Not everybody can become a “millionaire”. And if that happens a million won’t be worth s***
Also robert kiyosakis book rich dad poor dad is really good but this other s*** i been seeing from him is a complete no go. Real people in this know that s*** is dumb af lmaoo but you have to be able to pick out the good information from the bad. In the creative thread i kinda had a big discussion about this. Someone in there was giving really bad advice and i gave some advice that wouldn’t been a lot better of a help and from the person that gave the bad advice would only try to knock my advice down and i told him that me going through it for a long time i went through a lot going through the good and bad advice having to learn on my own what was good and bad after trial and error and in the end i just want to he able to guide people down the right path not the wrong one but consisting to this there are people giving bad advice and sometimes it may be true in some way but not the full story which i still say its bad advice but maybe not wrong but especially for someone doing it the first time with no help you sometimes have to learn the good from the bad on your own and over time youll know whats good and whats bad and whats right and whats wrong and even though theres many people out there giving bad and wrong advice there will also people telling you the best advice to try and help you as well but youll only know through trial and error whos right and who's wrong
No you’re right not everyone can be. Some people lack the mental capacity to be able to do it and are just stupid and the other people are uneducated or tell themselves that they can’t. But if you know the path that you have to take and you’re smart and persistent then there’s nothing stopping you but yourself.
But that shouldn’t be the goal tho. One should become a doctor because she’s passionate about improving the health of humanity, not because she wants to be rich.
Like people be trying to come up with “millionaire ideas” with no real passion in anything. One day they’re doing real state, the next is social media marketing and the next is bitcoin. All these law of attraction p**** asses don’t give a f*** about any of this s*** they just want to make money
Also robert kiyosakis book rich dad poor dad is really good but this other s*** i been seeing from him is a complete no go. Real people in this know that s*** is dumb af lmaoo but you have to be able to pick out the good information from the bad. In the creative thread i kinda had a big discussion about this. Someone in there was giving really bad advice and i gave some advice that wouldn’t been a lot better of a help and from the person that gave the bad advice would only try to knock my advice down and i told him that me going through it for a long time i went through a lot going through the good and bad advice having to learn on my own what was good and bad after trial and error and in the end i just want to he able to guide people down the right path not the wrong one but consisting to this there are people giving bad advice and sometimes it may be true in some way but not the full story which i still say its bad advice but maybe not wrong but especially for someone doing it the first time with no help you sometimes have to learn the good from the bad on your own and over time youll know whats good and whats bad and whats right and whats wrong and even though theres many people out there giving bad and wrong advice there will also people telling you the best advice to try and help you as well but youll only know through trial and error whos right and who's wrong
Yup. There’s good and bad in everything. At the end of the day you can only be sure of what you’ve experienced
But that shouldn’t be the goal tho. One should become a doctor because she’s passionate about improving the health of humanity, not because she wants to be rich.
Like people be trying to come up with “millionaire ideas” with no real passion in anything. One day they’re doing real state, the next is social media marketing and the next is bitcoin. All these law of attraction p**** asses don’t give a f*** about any of this s*** they just want to make money
Well nobody will get anywhere if they don't love what they're doing. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be able loving the product that you sell but it can he about the love of the process going through it and seeing the results that you made from the work that you put into it. But if you dont love it then youll never get to the point of success because you’ll give up when you fail because you don’t actually love the process. Me personally im not a person about money but i do like to have a love for anything that I do and i know the importance of having ownership in assets that produce income for yourself. I love learning about business and applying what i know and if the results give me money then i know that what im doing is good but i enjoyed getting to that point. Also money is a concept constructed by society (not tryna be on some deep s*** but its true) and any opinions towards money are purely subjective not only because of of the fact that it is an opinionated standpoint but also because you view money as good or bad but it is and will be whatever you perceive it as. I personally know that it is necessary for modern day quality of life but and i know how much it can do for me but i also know how much that it will not do for me but looking at money in a negative sense will not get me to the place that I personally I want to be to feel like i have security of my life.
Well nobody will get anywhere if they don't love what they're doing. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be able loving the product that you sell but it can he about the love of the process going through it and seeing the results that you made from the work that you put into it. But if you dont love it then youll never get to the point of success because you’ll give up when you fail because you don’t actually love the process. Me personally im not a person about money but i do like to have a love for anything that I do and i know the importance of having ownership in assets that produce income for yourself. I love learning about business and applying what i know and if the results give me money then i know that what im doing is good but i enjoyed getting to that point. Also money is a concept constructed by society (not tryna be on some deep s*** but its true) and any opinions towards money are purely subjective not only because of of the fact that it is an opinionated standpoint but also because you view money as good or bad but it is and will be whatever you perceive it as. I personally know that it is necessary for modern day quality of life but and i know how much it can do for me but i also know how much that it will not do for me but looking at money in a negative sense will not get me to the place that I personally I want to be to feel like i have security of my life.
its always a novel with u LOL
its always a novel with u LOL
I gotta keep the s*** posts short but the flatulence long just to make sure you can smell it just as much