Damn, this is getting some crazy praise
Deff gotta check it out this week
It’s the best movie in theaters right now
4k rip out
Word was just gonna post how my work schedule is way too crazy till after Christmas to check this in theaters
But now I can get cozy with a couple jibbas
This was great. They nailed the 70s aesthetics in every way from look to feel even down to the pacing. 70s movies (especially dramas) have a way of storytelling where they’re in no rush to get the viewer to the big emotional moments, they take their time. Which could be boring to some if you’re not used to it.
Best way to describe it is what most people have already said itt, cozy. If you’ve ever been alone for the holidays I’m sure this will resonate with you on some level.
Really wanna read the screenplay when it releases
This was really good
imagine if the four other kids weren’t able to go on that ski trip and had to stay at school w bro.. s*** woulda been a fun comedy w all kinds of hijinks pulling pranks on the teacher and running away laughing n s***
imagine if the four other kids weren’t able to go on that ski trip and had to stay at school w bro.. s*** woulda been a fun comedy w all kinds of hijinks pulling pranks on the teacher and running away laughing n s***
Bro I was kinda down to see that. Felt like they were setting up all the other kids with their own sad stories then they ditched the idea and shipped them away
I think this is going to end the year in my top spot for 2023
imagine if the four other kids weren’t able to go on that ski trip and had to stay at school w bro.. s*** woulda been a fun comedy w all kinds of hijinks pulling pranks on the teacher and running away laughing n s***
Yeah I was hoping this was gonna be the direction
coziest movie of the year, bar none. gonna be a classic down the line. loved every second
It’s been creeping up my top 10, went from number 7 to 5, could go top 3 at this rate they really released this at the perfect time too
it's funny how nice it is to see movies be very conventional but with confidence. kinda similar to top gun maverick. every beat felt like it played out exactly how you'd expect, but its just good movie making so it always lands just right
paul giamatti f***ing devoured this character.