this song will be in my rotation for the rest of the month
Driving in the snow to this
this song will be in my rotation for the rest of the month
Already copped the soundtrack.
Also watched a Hal Ashby movie and it was front to back Cat Stevens. Payne was cribbing
I think this is going to end the year in my top spot for 2023
#2 for me after Opp
Cozy, but seriously funny film. Closely resembles a Hal Ashby film which I like.
this song will be in my rotation for the rest of the month
This s*** was beautiful
Cozy, but seriously funny film. Closely resembles a Hal Ashby film which I like.
oh s*** he did the last detail! i felt like this in lots of ways would make a good double feature with that one
Enjoyed every minute of this and didn’t want it to end
Easily the best movie I’ve seen this year
!!!! crying laughing loving lying song the one
wtf do people see in this
its like they wanted to see if they could make that bob odenkirk show into a movie but even more dull
no way im finishing this
wtf do people see in this
its like they wanted to see if they could make that bob odenkirk show into a movie but even more dull
no way im finishing this
its just not for you
movie reflects on people because they felt smth watching it. no need to downgrade quality cinema
every clip i’ve seen, the audio sounds kinda tinny and awful
is that actually case for the film, or were the trailers just mixed weird?
That crying laughing loving lying song the one
new favorite song didn't even this the same guy that kanye samples in I Wonder.
Bro I was so intent to see this in theaters but it’s gone from around me tomorrow
First watch at home then
just did a rewatch
Idk, I just can’t really enjoy two a******s talking to each other. No matter how sad they make their backstory.