no cap. Shes gonna replace nicki and cardi b.
Say So going number 1 in 60 days (mark my words)
lol yea right
Entire album is a classic luv
at least you f*** wit it
ima be waitin on that next album tho
Op is right Say So is a f***ing catchy asf song and Juicy been on my rotation since September. Plus she already got more interesting and diverse music than Cardi and Nicki (who both suck)
She’s already surpassed both sis
Not at all. I like doja but yall love gassing artists that gain some momentum, then completely forget about them when that momentum fades away
Rico Nasty also fye too i think she could definetly become big as Doja. plus they both fit pretty well together
Go away please
U actively stan an artists who clowns black people getting gunned down by police
U actively stan an artists who clowns black people getting gunned down by police
Shoo shoo go away
Not at all. I like doja but yall love gassing artists that gain some momentum, then completely forget about them when that momentum fades away
She’s making better music and has more buzz than Nicki & Cardi lol
Rico Nasty also fye too i think she could definetly become big as Doja. plus they both fit pretty well together
Meh not a big fan of Rico tbh
Any songs you reccomend ?