He hates victims
Everytime I hear "But but Joe let me ask u a question..." I let out the deepest sigh cause I know some straight bullshit bout to come
Y’all are delusional to think they were going to cook Akademiks.
Ak has had plenty of opportunities to do the same to Joe, but he’s never done it.
Joe just had a weird case last month and Ak
didn’t even mention it.
They’re cool with each other.
They both p**** then wtf
The sleep walking s*** is whatever fr man he got an issue with it whatever
Talking to 15 year olds in the way AK did he needs his ass whooped
It's a huge diffference
But if they not gone cook AK then cook someone else for less just for the sake that they "cool" is a bad reason
You can tell someone about themselves and still be "cool" with each other
Hell if that was my homie I would be talking his ass down becuase that is the homie and I expect more
ain't no f***ing buddy pass for this type of s*** at all
Alright man
Sucker punch is so p****. Always knew Emanny a b****
Sucker punch is so p****. Always knew Emanny a b****
Was he supposed to make an announcement before. He told him multiple times Imma beat your ass
Sucker punch is so p****. Always knew Emanny a b****
A wise man once said "how'd I sneak him if he staring at me, twin"
Was he supposed to make an announcement before. He told him multiple times Imma beat your ass
Emanny is 42 and letting another grown man get him out his element with words into punching them
I’m sorry, that’s p**** to me lmao
Alright man
Why these niggas mad emotional
Alright man
Flip holding the nigga back while emmany getting a hit in then throwing him when he grabs flip to get his footing back
Alright man
Yo u know flip loving it
Sucker punch is so p****. Always knew Emanny a b****
Idk if I'd call that sucker punch....you could see it was gonna turn that way. Bruh should have been ready for that but the other dudes are foul for holding him
Wait flip is pulling dude back for E to get a few hits in he the sucka
Flip holding the nigga back while emmany getting a hit in then throwing him when he grabs flip to get his footing back
These are flips clowns. You can tell they be treated badly by flip and just take it
Alright man
Punching a dude while saying “you can’t show me grace” is taking me out lmaoooooooooooo
“You can’t show me grace”
Flip holding the nigga back while emmany getting a hit in then throwing him when he grabs flip to get his footing back
Yeah flip foul in here
Flip holding the nigga back while emmany getting a hit in then throwing him when he grabs flip to get his footing back
Lmao Flip wouldn’t let dude defend himself at all 😂
Lmao Flip wouldn’t let dude defend himself at all 😂
Wasn't nobody in that building proficient in fighting
Wasn't nobody in that building proficient in fighting
the jokes are about to be crazy lmao
I really wish it were emanny who got beat up dude is a total loser and creep
Flips fattas lowkey grabbing his arm so he couldn't try to fight back ans then throwing him down