lmao that’s a totally valid point tho
He recanted it and apologized idk I believe in second chances and I don’t believe in banishing people forever for bad opinions.
He recanted it and apologized idk I believe in second chances and I don’t believe in banishing people forever for bad opinions.
Neither do I but we all know Alex has done a lot worse than just share bad opinions
I mean, Alex has been doing his thing on Infowars forever. If you want his content there’s years-worth of it out there. Go for it, Boss, no one stopping you
buy some of his brain pills too
we all know he apologized for that and admitted he went way too far
pretty sure on the last podcast he did with joe he explained what led him to that point and how he pulled back
i cant take alex jones seriously when he makes the “leaps” that we’ve all heard and laughed at, but when he has a fact-checker who confirms his statements like they do on this episode it becomes obvious that it is not fair for him to be completely written off, let alone censored.
Anyone who says otherwise is only saying it because of their politcal bias, aka if there was a “conspiracy theorist” on their side of the aisle it would be of no issue to them. You have to be fair, and you have to agree to objectivity when facts are presented
if we can let go of past mistakes someone like biden has made and give him benefit of the doubt, one should be capable of doing the same for someone like jones who has taken accountability for his misjudgments. Doesn’t mean you have to agree with his political opinions, hell i dont. But confirmed facts are confirmed facts, doesn’t matter to me if Alex Jones says them or Bernie does. guess that’s just me
As much as I love Eddie, Tim Dillon's a much better side-guest
The people complaining about Joe interrupting must've never seen the previous episodes with Alex
I feel like a grumpy old man but the third wheel almost always is annoying to me
I feel like a grumpy old man but the third wheel almost always is annoying to me
Me too usually but this guy wasn't too bad imo
People are pissed at what ever Alex and Joe apparently said on the podcast yesterday. More pissed than usual.
People are pissed at what ever Alex and Joe apparently said on the podcast yesterday. More pissed than usual.
Well yeah Alex and Joe were touching on the topic of censorship heavily during this episode so it probably hit a little too close to home for the blue checkmark brigade.
Compared to the previous two episodes, this one was a lot more grounded and realistic instead of focusing on the “interdimensional space reptile” type s*** like they did previously
He recanted it and apologized idk I believe in second chances and I don’t believe in banishing people forever for bad opinions.
I agree with your overall point completely, but his apology and recantation were bullshit, not that he ever even believed it in the first place.
Months after he "apologized" he'd still throw the hoaxers in his audience a bone, saying things like "I think the kids died, but my sources in the CIA said it was all fake". And even in the weeks following the shooting itself, he'd talk about it with a certain level of ambiguity so both camps in his audience - those who thought the shooting was a conspiracy and those who thought it was all fake - would think he was on their side.
He shouldn't be censored, but he's a fraud who's constantly lying to his audience. And when it comes to things like Epstein, you'd get more out of listening to a single one of Tim Dillion's Whitney Webb interviews than all of Infowars' coverage of him.
Alex jones lost me when he was talking about climate change
He loses me when he opens his mouth.
people really cancelling their spotify subs because of this podcast
sensitive people f***ing WOAT
Alex jones lost me when he was talking about climate change
he's really on another planet when it comes to reality
Alex jones lost me when he was talking about climate change
That part was super interesting
Kanye Alex Jones and Glenn Greenwald in a row
Has to be the craziest JRE streak in terms of guests
but it’s funny!! xDD
What does this have to do with Joe Rogan podcast