All the rogan-sphere comedians posting pics and memories of him on IG like he’s dead
All the rogan-sphere comedians posting pics and memories of him on IG like he’s dead
Heard alot of the erased episodes were due to d*** use, Did they wipe the one of him doing shrooms with post Malone? They really want a pg rated joe rogan huh 😂😂😂😂
Can't believe they d delete thst hilarious one where that right wing guy said he would be all for policing and de legalizing weed and the usually chill rogan got super aggro and started bullying the guy 😂😂😂
Steven crowder, episode was hilarious, they were both getting so pissy with each other
Steven crowder, episode was hilarious, they were both getting so pissy with each other
You re free to say whatever you want on the rogan podcast....but don't you dare say anything against weed
All the rogan-sphere comedians posting pics and memories of him on IG like he’s dead
😂😂 link?
All the rogan-sphere comedians posting pics and memories of him on IG like he’s dead
They really writing eulogies
😂😂 that first pic is doin the most.
Second to last guy said “I won’t forgive him for making me do yoga 15 days a month but I will forgive him for saying the n word and comparing black ppl to apes (even though I’m white)”
Andrew schulz is so weird i kinda dont believe he rly is as dumb as he acts like he is
All the rogan-sphere comedians posting pics and memories of him on IG like he’s dead
Andrew Schulz talking about him like he Malcolm X
It's funny how so many people wish that he didn't apologize
Definetly lmfao. Such a stupid ass stand point.
They don’t know (or don’t care?) that they’re literally saying he shouldn’t apologise or give any context to using the n word so many damn times
I said it earlier but taking one look at all the verified coat tail riders in his comments of the apology saying he shouldn’t have said anything?? is wild.
He took the Spotify deal, he took the money, this is his bed
TBT to the time Eddir Bravo saved a Holocaust denial playlist and forgot to make it private
All the times Joey Diaz talked about making chicks suck his d*** so they could perform and Rogan and Segura laughing about it is probably enough to cancel them all
TBT to the time Eddir Bravo saved a Holocaust denial playlist and forgot to make it private
he'll be aight though cuz look at Howard Stern. That motherfucker still got a job
Joe used to go on a rant about "big black d***s" (pause) f***ing the guest or their girlfriend like every 3rd episode for the first 200 episodes, I'm not exaggerating
All the times Joey Diaz talked about making chicks suck his d*** so they could perform and Rogan and Segura laughing about it is probably enough to cancel them all
That stuff all came up when Bryan Callen & Chris Delia got cancelled a few years ago but didn’t do much. It definitely would during the current drama tho
Here’s his response to that