They better add this to the PS5 version've really hated them giving PC terrorists free stuff before their console fans
This s*** on PS4 looks better than a lot of PS5 games, I’m not even bsing
I have a PS5 too
This s*** on PS4 looks better than a lot of PS5 games, I’m not even bsing
I have a PS5 too
Rdr 2 is still the best looking game I've ever seen and that's like 7 years old.
Rdr 2 is still the best looking game I've ever seen and that's like 7 years old.
Gta 6 gonna be crazy and I agree nothing has come close since rdr2
This s*** on PS4 looks better than a lot of PS5 games, I’m not even bsing
I have a PS5 too
This and RDR2 s*** on majority, and arguably, ALL PS5 games.
It fr really isn't about the hardware.
just started playing this for the first time on ps5, aiming on a controller feels like absolute trash compared to aiming with mouse and keyboard. anybody have any tips so that i dont get s*** on or do i just need to lock in
just started playing this for the first time on ps5, aiming on a controller feels like absolute trash compared to aiming with mouse and keyboard. anybody have any tips so that i dont get s*** on or do i just need to lock in
The remaster got gyro aim
Enable that it can help