They already got the breakdown
Neil Druckmann gonna go all out for the boat scene in season 2 I just know it
I love the tendril thing, I love that the characters sort of feel like different people. Would be so goddamn boring if it was the exact same
They already got the breakdown
I think he has already seen the entire season and is just dropping them as they go
Wonder if Druckman is gonna bring his live action directing experience to Last of Us Pt. III?
He did great. Did he only direct one episode?
Wonder if Druckman is gonna bring his live action directing experience to Last of Us Pt. III?
He did great. Did he only direct one episode?
Yeah he only doing this one
They making getting infected even scarier cause they start making out with you
I loved the frog playing the piano
Highkey still think that “kiss” was beyond weird as f\*\*\* and just confused the hell out of me
bro you are just h****
I loved the frog playing the piano
Yeah the sets are pretty nuts. Feels like the planet is taking over and just washing human civilization away.
And the ladder bridge was
Craig mazin saying that opening was inspired by Vince Gilligan. He said the opening scene of any tv show episode is where the audience is most vulnerable and alright to be confused and question things. That used that to introduce the origin of the disease and allow the viewer to question what happened.
Highkey still think that “kiss” was beyond weird as f\*\*\* and just confused the hell out of me
Definitely was weird lol
So the fungus does hentai p*** infections of men and women too?
Rule 34 gonna go nutso
the set design is already the best on television bar none, this show is absolutely awe inspiring to look at
the acting, writing and cinematography is so unbelievably top tier it's unreal
i remembered tess dying but i forgot it was this early :damn2: anna torv was awesome and im gonna miss her dearly, the shot of her getting "kissed" and infected was so gross i loved it
i think i actually enjoyed this more than episode 1, and i already loved episode 1 - hearing next week is a heater too got me super excited. absolutely adore this show so far
Craig mazin saying that opening was inspired by Vince Gilligan. He said the opening scene of any tv show episode is where the audience is most vulnerable and alright to be confused and question things. That used that to introduce the origin of the disease and allow the viewer to question what happened.
I immediately thought of BB or BCS with that intro scene.. real recognize real