Craig saying they wrote a Tess backstory but never filmed it. Where she had a husband and son who got infected and she had to kill them. But she couldn’t do it. She locked them in the basement and theoretically they are clickers
/ still infected to this day
the set design is already the best on television bar none, this show is absolutely awe inspiring to look at
the acting, writing and cinematography is so unbelievably top tier it's unreal
i remembered tess dying but i forgot it was this early :damn2: anna torv was awesome and im gonna miss her dearly, the shot of her getting "kissed" and infected was so gross i loved it
i think i actually enjoyed this more than episode 1, and i already loved episode 1 - hearing next week is a heater too got me super excited. absolutely adore this show so far
Even tho we saw the clickers from the trailer they absolutely nailed that. Looked amazing and the about the episode at the end showing the design is mind boggling.
Craig mazin saying that opening was inspired by Vince Gilligan. He said the opening scene of any tv show episode is where the audience is most vulnerable and alright to be confused and question things. That used that to introduce the origin of the disease and allow the viewer to question what happened.
Need them to get Vince, Peter Gould, or Michelle McLaren to direct an episode for S2/S3
Highkey still think that “kiss” was beyond weird as f\*\*\* and just confused the hell out of me
they tryna drive home the fact the fungus can communicate to each other, since they took away spores i think it’s just another element to add back
Need them to get Vince, Peter Gould, or Michelle McLaren to direct an episode for S2/S3
now this is something I would care about
That clicker fight was lore accurate
Wasting all your ammo and materials on 2 of them
The show even added more tension by showing you can’t even properly reload around clickers either
Frank and bill gonna have a gay relationship ain’t they
they gay in the games lol
Episode 3 is gonna be bill and frank gay tendril Tentacle s\*\*\*
He kissing her with the infected mouth
what that absolute horror beyond human comprehension do
The outbreak origins and lore isn’t even what i expected from the show but it’s what we deserve
Episode 3 is gonna be bill and frank gay tendril Tentacle s\*\*\*
Me and @NobodyWins will role play it itt