  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022

    What about the combat was really THAT different from the 1st game besides graphics improval?

    Prone + dodge, all new animations, wasnt stiff, ai massively improved, played like mgs5. You’re just hating at this point. The gameplay and level design MASSIVELY improved from 1 to 2

  • Aug 24, 2022
    3 replies

    Ugh even in a thread that's supposed to be about the first game he manages to suck the second games d*** dry.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022
    Beautiful Morning

    Ugh even in a thread that's supposed to be about the first game he manages to suck the second games d*** dry.

  • Aug 24, 2022

    Describe what said new bar was.

    Describe what about TLOU2 did it actually innovate within the gaming industry.

    everything with the gameplay felt seamless with nothing that took me out of the world it’s placed in, they did not lie about enemies,combat type,ammo& terrain having huge impacts on how you proceed. mechanics were beyond the clunky nature of others even in the same genre.

    and mind you we were still playing on a PS4 on release lol so let me add graphically and aesthetically you couldn’t point out one thing that seemed cheap. everything you could interact with felt that it mattered in this game. and you felt instant regret for any area you may have missed.

    regardless of how you feel about the story, for me it was a jarring but raw journey that had so many moments that were satisfying to experience. most other games have that 1 climax moment which you were waiting for while tlou2 had several.

  • Aug 24, 2022

    What about the combat was really THAT different from the 1st game besides graphics improval?

    You gotta be joking

  • Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    What about the combat was really THAT different from the 1st game besides graphics improval?

    Did u dislike the story?

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Launch trailer

  • Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Launch trailer


    Looks great.
    I still couldn't justify buying this again tho lol.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022

    Looks great.
    I still couldn't justify buying this again tho lol.

    i cant justify it but it comes out 2 days after my bday so i know imma get it

  • Aug 24, 2022

    Describe what said new bar was.

    Describe what about TLOU2 did it actually innovate within the gaming industry.

    From a narrative standpoint TLOU2 changed what type of stories could be told in video games, and how they were told.
    And it really challenges players morality and expectations in a way we haven't seen before

    The narrative, perspective, and pacing is all unique for a game

    There's a reason why we are still discussing and debating the story years later. Very very few video games ever have had their story discussed this much

  • Aug 24, 2022
    2 replies

    Did u dislike the story?

    Revenge is bad

    This thread (RT @BlueDream_ ):

    Yo @ShintaroKago wtf these niggas talking about

  • Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Revenge is bad

    This thread (RT @BlueDream_ ):

    Yo @ShintaroKago wtf these niggas talking about

    I’m just asking if you liked the story

  • Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m just asking if you liked the story


    Not only that but the story was basically made to take all likability away from ellie and try to make us feel sorry for abby, even giving her her own "origin story" and which left me not really feeling anything for either of them niggas.

    It just felt to me both characters were just not really given that much humanity. And the creator just tried to go for "woke points"

    TLOU2 is actually what people think of when they say Oscar/Award bait.

    And that just don't make for a fun game to me dog. Just edgy for no reason. (not saying s*** has to be fun to be a fun game, I enjoyed Heavy Rain a lot for example)

    But hey, yall f*** with $60 guitar playing simulators go for it then lol.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022

    yeah thats bait


    tlou part 1 out next week

  • Aug 24, 2022


    Not only that but the story was basically made to take all likability away from ellie and try to make us feel sorry for abby, even giving her her own "origin story" and which left me not really feeling anything for either of them niggas.

    It just felt to me both characters were just not really given that much humanity. And the creator just tried to go for "woke points"

    TLOU2 is actually what people think of when they say Oscar/Award bait.

    And that just don't make for a fun game to me dog. Just edgy for no reason. (not saying s*** has to be fun to be a fun game, I enjoyed Heavy Rain a lot for example)

    But hey, yall f*** with $60 guitar playing simulators go for it then lol.

    Well I ask all that to say, you saying

    ‘the gameplay wasn’t an improve moment from TLOU1’

    is just your disliking of the story overriding the way you saw the other aspects of the game (happened to many many people)

    Give the game another try now that you know how the story shakes out

  • Aug 24, 2022

    Revenge is bad

    This thread (RT @BlueDream_ ):

    Yo @ShintaroKago wtf these niggas talking about

    If the only thing you got from the game is "revenge is bad" then idk what to tell you lmao

  • Aug 24, 2022

    TLOU2 isn't just simply about "revenge bad"

    It's about forgiveness, empathy, perspective, understanding, moving on

    The game doesn't want you to feel bad for Abby, it just wants you to understand her.

    To Abby, Ellie is the villian. To Ellie, Abby is the villain.
    They are both shown in negative ways because they both do monstrous things to get what they want, and they lose their humanity.

    And about the ending...the cycle of violence had to stop somewhere and both characters agreed on different occasions that the cycle needed to end before more people were killed

  • Aug 24, 2022

    If you don’t want to get this, you can save your money for those gamescom games instead.

  • Aug 24, 2022

    I love that they don’t show it because they MAKE you have to look at ellie. You have to control it and you have to look at HER while she’s doing that s***. Staring directly as Ellie as shes doing something like that

    Artsy fartsy reason to like it but I thought it was a bold choice.

    Learned a lesson for plot. Wouldn’t everything that’s ever written in fiction be ‘for plot?’ In the first one Joel agreed to transport ellie for plot. He saved her for plot. He learnt a lesson (one person you love is worth saving over their sacrifice for the life of others) for plot

    Yeah she learnt a lesson. That she pushed everyone away and tore herself away from actual life to chase revenge

    The loss f***ed her up so much that she drove everyone who was still alive to just be like ‘stop, what the f*** is it even worth’ and it caught up to her in the last moment as she saw her and lev etc

    She learnt a lesson for plot but idk how she could learn a lesson not for plot

    In Star Wars luke learnt that he was Vader’s son for plot

    by 'for plot' i mean like its pretty unlikely to actually happen and also kinda lacks logic, not just "this was part of the plot"

    cause you cant really be like "violence and revenge bad" after risking you loved ones and razing a whole camp and a s*** ton of ppl

    kinda like how the only reason batman is a threat to the JL is because plot and the writer writes it

  • Aug 24, 2022

    TLOU2 game of the century

  • Aug 24, 2022
    2 replies

    Man said much worse level design nah you hating the level design LEAGUES better in 2

    I hated Ellie’s levels, so boring to be in

    Abby’s levels were f***ing cool tho

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 24, 2022
    1 reply

    I hated Ellie’s levels, so boring to be in

    Abby’s levels were f***ing cool tho

    i can see the argument for ellies being boring

    how they split up the campaigns level design wise was interesting to me.

    Ellies followed more open enviornment's, lost legacy type progression.

    Abby's was more uncharted like, linear, and full of amazing set pieces

    depends on what you like, but i also liked abby's levels way more

    but i didnt hate ellies.

    That said i thought the design of both was way better then the level design in the first game

  • Aug 24, 2022

    i can see the argument for ellies being boring

    how they split up the campaigns level design wise was interesting to me.

    Ellies followed more open enviornment's, lost legacy type progression.

    Abby's was more uncharted like, linear, and full of amazing set pieces

    depends on what you like, but i also liked abby's levels way more

    but i didnt hate ellies.

    That said i thought the design of both was way better then the level design in the first game

    I think my main gripe with the game is I found Abby to be a character whose story made the most sense, but by the time I got to playing as Abby I was kind of uninvested

    I think like, maybe, it just could have been executed better like the first game

    But along with me not really liking Ellie from a story perspective, came my gripes with the level design and other things

  • Aug 24, 2022

    People saying Ellie levels were boring…

    Well play on a higher difficulty then.

  • Aug 24, 2022

    About to put this GameFly 30 day free trial to use

    Hopefully it won’t take long to ship.
