  • Aug 24, 2022

    Can't wait for this to come out on PC !

  • Aug 25, 2022

    I hated Ellie’s levels, so boring to be in

    Abby’s levels were f***ing cool tho

    Seatle day 2 alone s***s on any TLOU 1 stage easily

  • Aug 25, 2022
    Beautiful Morning

    Ugh even in a thread that's supposed to be about the first game he manages to suck the second games d*** dry.

  • Aug 25, 2022

    The theme from both games basically the same

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Last of us 2 would have been more my thing if they didn’t do Joel and Ellie again at all . But imma keep trying on it . Last of us 1ending was only truly potent to me if we never saw them again . Because no part of me wanted to torture in last of us 1 but infinitely no part of me wanted to kill the doctors and firefly leaders . Like I get why he did it but at a certain point their balance of cut scenes and gameplay nearly leads itself to allowing the player to make choices . Even we understand Joel’s reasoning like our own agency separate from his . Because that man don’t even have to live with his choices . Imma get farther in 2 but I’m truly not seeing the hype yet im trying to go in as open as possible but My investment in Joel changed cause he does deserve to 🎲 so I’m confused .

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Redownloading II now. I'm six trophies away from getting the plat.. might as well do another playthrough.

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply
    Oceanside Guy

    Redownloading II now. I'm six trophies away from getting the plat.. might as well do another playthrough.

    Man I ran through II and got the plat. Something about that game made me want to play it to get the plat. It's just so fun.

  • Aug 25, 2022

    The hardest part about getting the plat was Abby stage. The section where you have to survive waves of infected was brutal.

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Last of us 2 would have been more my thing if they didn’t do Joel and Ellie again at all . But imma keep trying on it . Last of us 1ending was only truly potent to me if we never saw them again . Because no part of me wanted to torture in last of us 1 but infinitely no part of me wanted to kill the doctors and firefly leaders . Like I get why he did it but at a certain point their balance of cut scenes and gameplay nearly leads itself to allowing the player to make choices . Even we understand Joel’s reasoning like our own agency separate from his . Because that man don’t even have to live with his choices . Imma get farther in 2 but I’m truly not seeing the hype yet im trying to go in as open as possible but My investment in Joel changed cause he does deserve to 🎲 so I’m confused .

    I would have preferred if the did Joel and Ellie, to make it seem like Joel and Ellie had an argument a few years before the start of the game and Ellie joins up with Abby group. Just to find out they're plotting to get revenge on Joel and Ellie finds out. Instead of going the route they did. I always felt like the doctor thing was a BS story plot, this unknown doctor from the first game all of sudden becomes the focal point of why the 2nd game exist.

    Or did something where Ellie joins up with a southern group of fireflies and they showed how the southern US was effected by the virus.

    I honestly hope the next TLOU is an international game and takes place 5-10 years after Ellie or be another prequel game that show case what is happening in other countries alongside the first TLOU. I have always been interested in finding our how did the infected behave in other countries. Especially since we know that the infected adapt to their environment.

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    What about the combat was really THAT different from the 1st game besides graphics improval?

    All the settings in the options alone are vast improvements over TLOU1. All the accessibility options and changes you can make to the game before even playing it is an improvement to TLOU1. The AI actually working in TLOU2 is an improvement over TLOU1.

    It's speed runners that have showed that you can cheese enemies in TLOU1 because the AI programming wasn't based on them seeing the player, but if the player was stepping into the AI's movement path. The problem is TLOU1 movement paths are broken, so you can step in and out of the movement path and aggro or de-aggro enemies in the area. This is improved in TLOU2. There is no movement paths in TLOU2. It's all based on "smart AI" so sight and sound plays more part in the AI being functional vs a path that can be broken if the AI moves to far from it's position.

    Levels in TLOU1 Are also extremely basic and locked to a corridor. Meaning you basically can run in a straight path on most level and activate the cut scene to end the level. That doesn't exist in TLOU2.
    Combat was improved in TLOU2. You can actually play the game stealthy or guns blazing. Crawling, prone, dodging, and gun combat all have been added as a new feature or improved. Groups of enemies actually work together to circle the player instead of just walking around endlessly until they give up or don't give up at all. There was also new weapons added to TLOU2 that made playing stealth fun and better.

    Crafting was also improved in TLOU2. It was no longer just create a a pole with scissors at the end and that's it. You can create different bow and arrows, make weapon shanks and bayonets, different melee weapons can be fiddled with to create different weapons, bottle cap silencers for weapons, improve combat weapons to make them stronger, etc etc.

    These are all vast improvements over the barebones that TLOU1 had.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 25, 2022
  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    I would have preferred if the did Joel and Ellie, to make it seem like Joel and Ellie had an argument a few years before the start of the game and Ellie joins up with Abby group. Just to find out they're plotting to get revenge on Joel and Ellie finds out. Instead of going the route they did. I always felt like the doctor thing was a BS story plot, this unknown doctor from the first game all of sudden becomes the focal point of why the 2nd game exist.

    Or did something where Ellie joins up with a southern group of fireflies and they showed how the southern US was effected by the virus.

    I honestly hope the next TLOU is an international game and takes place 5-10 years after Ellie or be another prequel game that show case what is happening in other countries alongside the first TLOU. I have always been interested in finding our how did the infected behave in other countries. Especially since we know that the infected adapt to their environment.

    Basically this. Like I get the idea of consequence from killing the doctor but to me the more kind shattering consequence is killing the leader of the firefly that we as players got to know more who had a consistent following . I understand they did a leap with daughter of doctor so they could do cycles of violence, trauma , family grief but it just doesn’t hit for me .

    Cause the theme of the first game was wow Joel won’t stop at any means for Ellie because he can’t cope with the loss of his daughter to the military ACCIDENT. Not infected . Not humanity . Like Joel didn’t have to KILL all the doctors to prevent the surgery it could be said he killed them because he was so upset at the idea of Ellie death

    But to me it never made full sense already why he would deliver Ellie all game then act shocked that to harvest the cure she may die. When she is willing to die to save humanity . So last of us ending was potent to me because it was Ellie facing a lie and him lying willing to destroy all of humanity to keep her alive

    Joel deserves to die so killing him in a cutscene I didn’t care but the ending of 1 would have been infinitely more potent if they had not done the cop out of sage characters and went more world war z with it but y’all forget how obsessed with Joel and Ellie people were after game 1. “ I GOT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT” would have been so powerful to never show them again or reference them because if Joel would lie about that he would lie about anything to her and it’s manipulation so in a way a beautiful daddy daughter story but in another way tragic and scary because Joel would go at any lengths to keep a version of his daughter alive

    International would mix it up a lot going forward but PLEASE LET THESE CHARACTERS. S*** even these factions rest . There is so much you could explore lore wise and it feels they limit themselves because they saw these characters worked. Last of us tv show same way lol . How the F*** you recapping the game plot ? Like the entire world is dealing with it . I get the daddy daughter story and I don’t have kids yet so whole story of last of us only does so much for me

  • Aug 25, 2022

    pc winning as always

  • A prequel with Joel and Tommy when Joel "took" care of tommy all those years" would be interesting

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Playing Part I directly into Part 2 is gonna be hard

  • Aug 25, 2022
    3 replies
    · edited

    All the settings in the options alone are vast improvements over TLOU1. All the accessibility options and changes you can make to the game before even playing it is an improvement to TLOU1. The AI actually working in TLOU2 is an improvement over TLOU1.

    It's speed runners that have showed that you can cheese enemies in TLOU1 because the AI programming wasn't based on them seeing the player, but if the player was stepping into the AI's movement path. The problem is TLOU1 movement paths are broken, so you can step in and out of the movement path and aggro or de-aggro enemies in the area. This is improved in TLOU2. There is no movement paths in TLOU2. It's all based on "smart AI" so sight and sound plays more part in the AI being functional vs a path that can be broken if the AI moves to far from it's position.

    Levels in TLOU1 Are also extremely basic and locked to a corridor. Meaning you basically can run in a straight path on most level and activate the cut scene to end the level. That doesn't exist in TLOU2.
    Combat was improved in TLOU2. You can actually play the game stealthy or guns blazing. Crawling, prone, dodging, and gun combat all have been added as a new feature or improved. Groups of enemies actually work together to circle the player instead of just walking around endlessly until they give up or don't give up at all. There was also new weapons added to TLOU2 that made playing stealth fun and better.

    Crafting was also improved in TLOU2. It was no longer just create a a pole with scissors at the end and that's it. You can create different bow and arrows, make weapon shanks and bayonets, different melee weapons can be fiddled with to create different weapons, bottle cap silencers for weapons, improve combat weapons to make them stronger, etc etc.

    These are all vast improvements over the barebones that TLOU1 had.

    I get you and I am not saying you are wrong what I think I and that person who often trolls me so I blocked them is saying is y’all say “ last of us 2 clearly better “ when one came out 2013 and the other 2020 lmfao. The development cycle of last of us 2 was much longer than one . You are 100% right about it refined all those elements and it makes a tighter experience but for many of us even that loved the first game does it justify its existence besides “ s*** I love Joel and Ellie” story wise . I don’t know because I have to beat last of us 2. But when you look at the fact it launched without multiplayer and still doesn’t have it. Y’all are gassing the clearly better part . Like gameplay wise I guess you are are right for all reasons listed but story wise from what I’m gathering . Story in 1 was much more gripping and paced well. Versus 2 feeling redundant. I know a lot of 2 story but I have to see if playing 2 story changes how I feel about it

    When the story leaks came out everyone was like “ ayooo wtf” then game dropped they loved it . So I have to replay first one and play this to see . I studied game narrative was actually in school when first one dropped . Again I beat last of us 1 and said all the things I’m listing about it and agency player choice . I feel the doctors part they should have kept hud on but had Joel do it against the players will . Kind of showing the cost of continuously making him violent made him snap and it was no longer the player controlling him but him controlling.

    Cause the amount of cut scenes sometimes on things that would benefit from the player doing it or having the controller 100% in the hand not only affects immersion but more makes it “ well Joel is doing these things not me “

    A great way to put it is when Walt ( lol same year as this too ) poisons Brock I was like “ s*** I understand my ass may do the same at the point he at it’s an evil world “ . Breaking Bad I kept justifying Walt’s moves . Last of us Joel quickly lost me ( again I don’t have a child have a nephew and niece ) so I get doing whatever for them but the logic of slaughtering everyone at s facility you spent the ENTIRE game getting to made no sense

    But I gave it to them as long as they let Joel and Ellie rest which they did in dlc by making it a prequel lmfao

    Like bioshock infinite loved Elizabeth but if next bioshock they made some half assed excuse to bring the same characters back

  • Aug 25, 2022

    Playing Part I directly into Part 2 is gonna be hard

    This looking like it’s gonna be what I do

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    I get you and I am not saying you are wrong what I think I and that person who often trolls me so I blocked them is saying is y’all say “ last of us 2 clearly better “ when one came out 2013 and the other 2020 lmfao. The development cycle of last of us 2 was much longer than one . You are 100% right about it refined all those elements and it makes a tighter experience but for many of us even that loved the first game does it justify its existence besides “ s*** I love Joel and Ellie” story wise . I don’t know because I have to beat last of us 2. But when you look at the fact it launched without multiplayer and still doesn’t have it. Y’all are gassing the clearly better part . Like gameplay wise I guess you are are right for all reasons listed but story wise from what I’m gathering . Story in 1 was much more gripping and paced well. Versus 2 feeling redundant. I know a lot of 2 story but I have to see if playing 2 story changes how I feel about it

    When the story leaks came out everyone was like “ ayooo wtf” then game dropped they loved it . So I have to replay first one and play this to see . I studied game narrative was actually in school when first one dropped . Again I beat last of us 1 and said all the things I’m listing about it and agency player choice . I feel the doctors part they should have kept hud on but had Joel do it against the players will . Kind of showing the cost of continuously making him violent made him snap and it was no longer the player controlling him but him controlling.

    Cause the amount of cut scenes sometimes on things that would benefit from the player doing it or having the controller 100% in the hand not only affects immersion but more makes it “ well Joel is doing these things not me “

    A great way to put it is when Walt ( lol same year as this too ) poisons Brock I was like “ s*** I understand my ass may do the same at the point he at it’s an evil world “ . Breaking Bad I kept justifying Walt’s moves . Last of us Joel quickly lost me ( again I don’t have a child have a nephew and niece ) so I get doing whatever for them but the logic of slaughtering everyone at s facility you spent the ENTIRE game getting to made no sense

    But I gave it to them as long as they let Joel and Ellie rest which they did in dlc by making it a prequel lmfao

    Like bioshock infinite loved Elizabeth but if next bioshock they made some half assed excuse to bring the same characters back

    Finish the game before writing your thesis on it lol

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Looks good but not 60 bucks for no mp, maybe 30

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 25, 2022

    I get you and I am not saying you are wrong what I think I and that person who often trolls me so I blocked them is saying is y’all say “ last of us 2 clearly better “ when one came out 2013 and the other 2020 lmfao. The development cycle of last of us 2 was much longer than one . You are 100% right about it refined all those elements and it makes a tighter experience but for many of us even that loved the first game does it justify its existence besides “ s*** I love Joel and Ellie” story wise . I don’t know because I have to beat last of us 2. But when you look at the fact it launched without multiplayer and still doesn’t have it. Y’all are gassing the clearly better part . Like gameplay wise I guess you are are right for all reasons listed but story wise from what I’m gathering . Story in 1 was much more gripping and paced well. Versus 2 feeling redundant. I know a lot of 2 story but I have to see if playing 2 story changes how I feel about it

    When the story leaks came out everyone was like “ ayooo wtf” then game dropped they loved it . So I have to replay first one and play this to see . I studied game narrative was actually in school when first one dropped . Again I beat last of us 1 and said all the things I’m listing about it and agency player choice . I feel the doctors part they should have kept hud on but had Joel do it against the players will . Kind of showing the cost of continuously making him violent made him snap and it was no longer the player controlling him but him controlling.

    Cause the amount of cut scenes sometimes on things that would benefit from the player doing it or having the controller 100% in the hand not only affects immersion but more makes it “ well Joel is doing these things not me “

    A great way to put it is when Walt ( lol same year as this too ) poisons Brock I was like “ s*** I understand my ass may do the same at the point he at it’s an evil world “ . Breaking Bad I kept justifying Walt’s moves . Last of us Joel quickly lost me ( again I don’t have a child have a nephew and niece ) so I get doing whatever for them but the logic of slaughtering everyone at s facility you spent the ENTIRE game getting to made no sense

    But I gave it to them as long as they let Joel and Ellie rest which they did in dlc by making it a prequel lmfao

    Like bioshock infinite loved Elizabeth but if next bioshock they made some half assed excuse to bring the same characters back

    Imo I don’t understand the “wtf Joel (or any other character) is doing this not me” complaint people have with this game / . Are narrative games that have its own set narrative not allowed to be anymore? Naughty dog obviously loves making fixed outcome games and wants all players to experience the same thing. Treat it like a movie imo, you may not agree with the character choices, but that’s kind of the point, it makes you uncomfortable as a player. Just think of the emotions you feel when that happens. That’s what the writers want.

    For me, it doesnt make me any less immersed. Might depend on the person, but i dont think "oh i am controlling joel so i must be joel and im making these descisions myself", i just think of him as a character im watching

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 25, 2022

    Looks good but not 60 bucks for no mp, maybe 30

    I wish it was $60

    S***s $70

  • PIMP 💿
    Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    I get you and I am not saying you are wrong what I think I and that person who often trolls me so I blocked them is saying is y’all say “ last of us 2 clearly better “ when one came out 2013 and the other 2020 lmfao. The development cycle of last of us 2 was much longer than one . You are 100% right about it refined all those elements and it makes a tighter experience but for many of us even that loved the first game does it justify its existence besides “ s*** I love Joel and Ellie” story wise . I don’t know because I have to beat last of us 2. But when you look at the fact it launched without multiplayer and still doesn’t have it. Y’all are gassing the clearly better part . Like gameplay wise I guess you are are right for all reasons listed but story wise from what I’m gathering . Story in 1 was much more gripping and paced well. Versus 2 feeling redundant. I know a lot of 2 story but I have to see if playing 2 story changes how I feel about it

    When the story leaks came out everyone was like “ ayooo wtf” then game dropped they loved it . So I have to replay first one and play this to see . I studied game narrative was actually in school when first one dropped . Again I beat last of us 1 and said all the things I’m listing about it and agency player choice . I feel the doctors part they should have kept hud on but had Joel do it against the players will . Kind of showing the cost of continuously making him violent made him snap and it was no longer the player controlling him but him controlling.

    Cause the amount of cut scenes sometimes on things that would benefit from the player doing it or having the controller 100% in the hand not only affects immersion but more makes it “ well Joel is doing these things not me “

    A great way to put it is when Walt ( lol same year as this too ) poisons Brock I was like “ s*** I understand my ass may do the same at the point he at it’s an evil world “ . Breaking Bad I kept justifying Walt’s moves . Last of us Joel quickly lost me ( again I don’t have a child have a nephew and niece ) so I get doing whatever for them but the logic of slaughtering everyone at s facility you spent the ENTIRE game getting to made no sense

    But I gave it to them as long as they let Joel and Ellie rest which they did in dlc by making it a prequel lmfao

    Like bioshock infinite loved Elizabeth but if next bioshock they made some half assed excuse to bring the same characters back

    I stopped reading after I seen you've yet to play this

    This is the best game of all time with RDR2 tied until a game surpasses the technical marvel that is Last of Us 2 with its motion matching, animations, motion capture etc etc

    Soulsborne players 9/11 right here

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    This new trend of semi recent games getting remade instead of the clunky ps 1 era games that could actually use a face lift and smoothening is terrible lmao

  • Aug 25, 2022
    2 replies

    This new trend of semi recent games getting remade instead of the clunky ps 1 era games that could actually use a face lift and smoothening is terrible lmao

    Examples of said 90s titles?

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Examples of said 90s titles?

    Driver, Oddworld, Spyro, Soul Reaver, Tenchu, twisted metal etc etc
