Driver, Oddworld, Spyro, Soul Reaver, Tenchu, twisted metal etc etc
oh boy do i have the game for you
spyro trilogy
Finish the game before writing your thesis on it lol
imagine me not writing a thesis
I stopped reading after I seen you've yet to play this
This is the best game of all time with RDR2 tied until a game surpasses the technical marvel that is Last of Us 2 with its motion matching, animations, motion capture etc etc
Soulsborne players 9/11 right here
Lol I got to play red dead redemption 2 too
I’m reinstalling last of us 2 because of y’all . Add me on psn so we can play factions 2 in 2024 or last of us part 1 remade multiplayer from the ground up ( oh wait it doesn’t exist )
Examples of said 90s titles?
War of the monsters
Freedom fighters
Bloody roar
Syphon filter
LMFAO THIS SAYING FREE UP 184 gigs to install . It’s doubling because it’s including some update . I need to get a bigger hard drive to be disappointed in last of us 2
as expected
Lol I got to play red dead redemption 2 too
as expected
Will be kind of surprised if it hits 90+ given the lack of multiplayer.
Not that I think it won’t be top tier, it’ll definitely be the best version of the game so far, but I’d imagine that’ll still be a factor, especially give it’s price point.
Will be kind of surprised if it hits 90+ given the lack of multiplayer.
Not that I think it won’t be top tier, it’ll definitely be the best version of the game so far, but I’d imagine that’ll still be a factor, especially give it’s price point.
I expect it to score lower then the remaster / ps3 version due to price and lack of multiplayer. im thinking 88-91
Ugh even in a thread that's supposed to be about the first game he manages to suck the second games d*** dry.
Basically this. Like I get the idea of consequence from killing the doctor but to me the more kind shattering consequence is killing the leader of the firefly that we as players got to know more who had a consistent following . I understand they did a leap with daughter of doctor so they could do cycles of violence, trauma , family grief but it just doesn’t hit for me .
Cause the theme of the first game was wow Joel won’t stop at any means for Ellie because he can’t cope with the loss of his daughter to the military ACCIDENT. Not infected . Not humanity . Like Joel didn’t have to KILL all the doctors to prevent the surgery it could be said he killed them because he was so upset at the idea of Ellie death
But to me it never made full sense already why he would deliver Ellie all game then act shocked that to harvest the cure she may die. When she is willing to die to save humanity . So last of us ending was potent to me because it was Ellie facing a lie and him lying willing to destroy all of humanity to keep her alive
Joel deserves to die so killing him in a cutscene I didn’t care but the ending of 1 would have been infinitely more potent if they had not done the cop out of sage characters and went more world war z with it but y’all forget how obsessed with Joel and Ellie people were after game 1. “ I GOT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT” would have been so powerful to never show them again or reference them because if Joel would lie about that he would lie about anything to her and it’s manipulation so in a way a beautiful daddy daughter story but in another way tragic and scary because Joel would go at any lengths to keep a version of his daughter alive
International would mix it up a lot going forward but PLEASE LET THESE CHARACTERS. S*** even these factions rest . There is so much you could explore lore wise and it feels they limit themselves because they saw these characters worked. Last of us tv show same way lol . How the F*** you recapping the game plot ? Like the entire world is dealing with it . I get the daddy daughter story and I don’t have kids yet so whole story of last of us only does so much for me
Yeah that's another thing. I found it odd that the fireflies just disbanded. There was no war or revenge plot from some lunatic that was in the fireflies or anything. Instead the daughter of some unknown doctor who didn't even care about the fireflies wanted to kill Joel.
A better story beat would have been making the final gang in Ellie story the overarching villain. Man, cannibals that keep human slaves and are the exact opposite of Tommy's settlement would have been DOPE and probably got us some crazy storytelling. Like the Rat King could have been the main villain's project/pet instead of it just being what happens after 10 years of being infected stuck together. They could have made the story start off as the main villain's find out that Ellie and Joel had some falling out and Ellie is with some group in another part of the US. They find out she has immunity and wonder if they eat her they'll be immune or if they get her they can take her blood and do experiments. Let the world crumbling go even further.
Like I get what they did with the story in TLOU2, but I feel like they wanted that dramatic story beat and it just went flat. They didn't even need to kill Joel. Hell they could have made Lev and his sister be kids Joel found along the way and added an extra combat style that way.
It's so much they could do with a TLOU3: UK or TLOU3: Europe. Like being able to travel across different countries with different climates and seeing some crazy ass different infected and maybe even infected animals would be crazy as hell. I could see the story going multiple ways.
Yeah that's another thing. I found it odd that the fireflies just disbanded. There was no war or revenge plot from some lunatic that was in the fireflies or anything. Instead the daughter of some unknown doctor who didn't even care about the fireflies wanted to kill Joel.
A better story beat would have been making the final gang in Ellie story the overarching villain. Man, cannibals that keep human slaves and are the exact opposite of Tommy's settlement would have been DOPE and probably got us some crazy storytelling. Like the Rat King could have been the main villain's project/pet instead of it just being what happens after 10 years of being infected stuck together. They could have made the story start off as the main villain's find out that Ellie and Joel had some falling out and Ellie is with some group in another part of the US. They find out she has immunity and wonder if they eat her they'll be immune or if they get her they can take her blood and do experiments. Let the world crumbling go even further.
Like I get what they did with the story in TLOU2, but I feel like they wanted that dramatic story beat and it just went flat. They didn't even need to kill Joel. Hell they could have made Lev and his sister be kids Joel found along the way and added an extra combat style that way.
It's so much they could do with a TLOU3: UK or TLOU3: Europe. Like being able to travel across different countries with different climates and seeing some crazy ass different infected and maybe even infected animals would be crazy as hell. I could see the story going multiple ways.
There is no way anyone will convince me they made the right decision on how they brought people back
There is no way anyone will convince me they made the right decision on how they brought people back
Dude still hasn’t played the games and is writing and responding to thesis’s
Man I ran through II and got the plat. Something about that game made me want to play it to get the plat. It's just so fun.
It's a long ass game but man I think it would be worth it.
Yeah that's another thing. I found it odd that the fireflies just disbanded. There was no war or revenge plot from some lunatic that was in the fireflies or anything. Instead the daughter of some unknown doctor who didn't even care about the fireflies wanted to kill Joel.
A better story beat would have been making the final gang in Ellie story the overarching villain. Man, cannibals that keep human slaves and are the exact opposite of Tommy's settlement would have been DOPE and probably got us some crazy storytelling. Like the Rat King could have been the main villain's project/pet instead of it just being what happens after 10 years of being infected stuck together. They could have made the story start off as the main villain's find out that Ellie and Joel had some falling out and Ellie is with some group in another part of the US. They find out she has immunity and wonder if they eat her they'll be immune or if they get her they can take her blood and do experiments. Let the world crumbling go even further.
Like I get what they did with the story in TLOU2, but I feel like they wanted that dramatic story beat and it just went flat. They didn't even need to kill Joel. Hell they could have made Lev and his sister be kids Joel found along the way and added an extra combat style that way.
It's so much they could do with a TLOU3: UK or TLOU3: Europe. Like being able to travel across different countries with different climates and seeing some crazy ass different infected and maybe even infected animals would be crazy as hell. I could see the story going multiple ways.
I’m sorry I’m confused about your thesis
I might be forgetting the game some. But isn’t the doctor PART of the fireflies. Wasn’t Abby’s whole friend group FIREFLIES (her and Owen and I think another). Fam they are the fireflies who are trying to get revenge
Am I remembering this wrong???? Lmfao
It's a long ass game but man I think it would be worth it.
It is because I got most of my trophies on my first playthrough. I got to enjoy the story more that way. The second playthrough I just had fun. It's where I noticed the game actually gives you multiple ways to play. Either you can do a pacifist run and don't kill any human NPCs and just let them walk by, a stealth run and kill everyone, or just go guns blazing and let loose.
It's hella worth it. The only slog is that in order to get one trophy you basically HAVE to play majority of the game to get the final pill bottle to 100% upgrade Abby.
I’m sorry I’m confused about your thesis
I might be forgetting the game some. But isn’t the doctor PART of the fireflies. Wasn’t Abby’s whole friend group FIREFLIES (her and Owen and I think another). Fam they are the fireflies who are trying to get revenge
Am I remembering this wrong???? Lmfao
Abby's father was apart of the fireflies, and I can't remember if Abby and her friends were apart of the fireflies when the game start or not. I know Abby and Owen was. Either way, only Abby really wanted revenge and even then her friends didn't want to kill Joel. They thought they were just going to torture him. At least that's what the black chick tells Ellie. Abby's settlement wasn't fireflies, they didn't want revenge or even know about what happened years prior. Abby's entire second part of her story is her searching for ex-fireflies only to stumble upon who I thought should have been the main villain anyway.
My thesis was that it's the ENTIRE fireflies that go rogue and go after Joel and Ellie, not just some kids. Some person want revenge for killing the leader and not choosing to help humanity over a lil girl. Not some unknown doctor that didn't even have a damn credit in TLOU1. Hell Abby didn't even know Ellie was the person that her dad was going to operate on. TLOU2 is written that with Marlene's death the fireflies disbanded after she died. So technically it wasn't the fireflies getting revenge. Just Abby wanting revenge for her dad's death. At one point Owen even ask her is this even worth it.
Like I said, I understand what they were going for, but it could have definitely been written better.
Abby's father was apart of the fireflies, and I can't remember if Abby and her friends were apart of the fireflies when the game start or not. I know Abby and Owen was. Either way, only Abby really wanted revenge and even then her friends didn't want to kill Joel. They thought they were just going to torture him. At least that's what the black chick tells Ellie. Abby's settlement wasn't fireflies, they didn't want revenge or even know about what happened years prior. Abby's entire second part of her story is her searching for ex-fireflies only to stumble upon who I thought should have been the main villain anyway.
My thesis was that it's the ENTIRE fireflies that go rogue and go after Joel and Ellie, not just some kids. Some person want revenge for killing the leader and not choosing to help humanity over a lil girl. Not some unknown doctor that didn't even have a damn credit in TLOU1. Hell Abby didn't even know Ellie was the person that her dad was going to operate on. TLOU2 is written that with Marlene's death the fireflies disbanded after she died. So technically it wasn't the fireflies getting revenge. Just Abby wanting revenge for her dad's death. At one point Owen even ask her is this even worth it.
Like I said, I understand what they were going for, but it could have definitely been written better.
Nothing is really clear and told to you about the fireflies in 1 and 2. But if I’m remembering correctly in 1, they make it seem like the fireflies are dying and at the hospital they imply that who is there is like the last of them. And with how 1 plays out, not trying to spoiler it in this game thread but you know what happens.
I know Abby was brought up to be a firefly…. Same with Owen. We’re they like two of the few survivors? I gotta replay the games not really 100% sure but if what I’m thinking is correct makes sense to me cause Abby / Owen been trying to find Joel since the end of 1.
Like you said you know what they are going for but how they wrote 1 and the fireflies as mysterious and unsure how many of them they really are doesn’t help in 2
Nothing is really clear and told to you about the fireflies in 1 and 2. But if I’m remembering correctly in 1, they make it seem like the fireflies are dying and at the hospital they imply that who is there is like the last of them. And with how 1 plays out, not trying to spoiler it in this game thread but you know what happens.
I know Abby was brought up to be a firefly…. Same with Owen. We’re they like two of the few survivors? I gotta replay the games not really 100% sure but if what I’m thinking is correct makes sense to me cause Abby / Owen been trying to find Joel since the end of 1.
Like you said you know what they are going for but how they wrote 1 and the fireflies as mysterious and unsure how many of them they really are doesn’t help in 2
Nah at the end of 1, according to TLOU2, They voted to disband the group. Because Marlene was dead and Jerry was the only surgeon they had that could even remotely do research on the virus.
I haven't read anything that made it seem like that was the last bit of them. It's even said that after the hospital event the fireflies attempted to keep going but with lost after lost against the government gunmen they became demoralized after losing Marlene. And choose to disband. They split off and some went to the WLF and the others disbursed throughout the west coast.
Even in TLOU2 it's said that they were attempting to regroup and sent out radio calls for lost members to meet up on a certain island. That was Abby's whole goal during the second part of her story. Remember Abby was literally talking to the fireflies on the radio towards the end of her story and was about to go to that island. It's just that she got followed and captured by the cannibals aka the Rattlers.
They could have just avoided all this by just not even doing this and having a new leader of the fireflies rise up after TLOU1.
Nah at the end of 1, according to TLOU2, They voted to disband the group. Because Marlene was dead and Jerry was the only surgeon they had that could even remotely do research on the virus.
I haven't read anything that made it seem like that was the last bit of them. It's even said that after the hospital event the fireflies attempted to keep going but with lost after lost against the government gunmen they became demoralized after losing Marlene. And choose to disband. They split off and some went to the WLF and the others disbursed throughout the west coast.
Even in TLOU2 it's said that they were attempting to regroup and sent out radio calls for lost members to meet up on a certain island. That was Abby's whole goal during the second part of her story. Remember Abby was literally talking to the fireflies on the radio towards the end of her story and was about to go to that island. It's just that she got followed and captured by the cannibals aka the Rattlers.
They could have just avoided all this by just not even doing this and having a new leader of the fireflies rise up after TLOU1.
Been a long time since I played 1 and you said you replayed 2 so you prob know more than me tbh
And ok yeah I remember that last part about Abby and the fireflies in the south I think.
Still personally I didn’t have any problems