Glad I didn't drop 70 bucks on this just to play with spruced up graphics. I'd rather waste that 70 bucks on postmates for just lunch for me while playing part 2
TLOU1 remastered was like a 7 for me, but this remake bumps it up to an 8. The added visuals make the performances more convincing, and the unlocked frame rate mode makes the combat more fluid.
And the game definitely looks better than TLOU2, which shouldn't be up for debate but some seems to doubt it.
Replaying part 2 and it's so much better than this it's not even a debate
It came out 7 years after 1
like what is your point with the comparison
Replaying part 2 and it's so much better than this it's not even a debate
Gameplay wise yeah but story wise thoooo..
It came out 7 years after 1
like what is your point with the comparison
Cause many people say the first is better? Hop off me lol
Cause many people say the first is better? Hop off me lol
When people say the first one is better they don't mean gameplay or graphics though. They mean story, pacing and perhaps gameplay loop as in what you do in the game itself. in the Same sense Half Life 2 is better than many shooters that came after it even if they have better graphics, framerate, mechanics.
What is being referred to is how we progress through the game. Even if yes some of it is corridor fights and Last of Us 2 definitely opens up larger arenas.
I am not asking to be a douche bag I am seriously asking because I want to be sure when people say 1 is better you understand what they are saying.
I am still playing through 2 so I got some time to fully grasp and I so far can understand why someone would like either one better.
Gameplay wise yeah but story wise thoooo..
Part 1's story is good but it's very by the book
Beat part 2 again, god is it incredible. From story to gameplay. Just man
I hold a special place for part 1 still
Playing both back to back (Remake and Part 2) is probably the definitive way to experience this story
Beat part 2 again, god is it incredible. From story to gameplay. Just man
I hold a special place for part 1 still
Playing both back to back (Remake and Part 2) is probably the definitive way to experience this story
I remember being so turned off at first when I thought the whole game was gonna just be this open-area game with you riding everywhere on a horse
Dunkey actually made a good video
Common dunkey W (except his initial death stranding thoughts)
Are the factions graphics updated too?
sit down…. We got something to tell you…
no factions in the remake as the entire multiplayer team is working on ps5 factions stand-alone
Common dunkey W (except his initial death stranding thoughts)
I seen that video and he was right
I played the game and he was wrong
sit down…. We got something to tell you…
no factions in the remake as the entire multiplayer team is working on ps5 factions stand-alone
Damn bro..
I feel bad for people who are starting with this game. Factions the f***ing goat
Need factions 2 so so soon
Dunkey actually made a good video
this mans videos about Last of Us are f***in goated
the ending of this video
Damn bro..
I feel bad for people who are starting with this game. Factions the f***ing goat
Need factions 2 so so soon
We're supposed to get an update about it in 2023, imagine just to say it's coming in 2024