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  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Privileged to you and privileged to me are different things altogether. To you a privileged person is a rich person. To me a privileged person is somebody who is white. Especially white people who have not struggled at all. A middle class white person is extremely privileged.

    I tell people that if you build yourself within capitalism then you have something for them to take from you. I live in a caravan. They can't take a whole lot from somebody like me. I have no qualifications, no prospects and no way of fixing this. I have nothing to lose and I am willing to literally fight.

    I ask communists and socialists all the time in the area what we should do. We agree we need to fight but when I suggest actually doing it and burning down institutions, everyone starts getting scared. Nobody wants to get arrested. Nobody wants to lose their job or get thrown out of uni.

    Based on how upset you are, it sounds like the above might apply to you on some level.

    The left is not above being criticised. I am a leftist myself. This is not an attack on the left.

    Word that's cool and all maybe you should get a job and a house and try to change the world from a position of at least a little bit of power


  • Sep 13, 2021

    Word that's cool and all maybe you should get a job and a house and try to change the world from a position of at least a little bit of power


  • Sep 13, 2021

    If you cannot condition yourself to live without what you have, you will not have a good time trying a revolution. You have to condition yourself to have nothing. You have to take self responsibility and condition yourself for this because the state will take it right from you. Stop getting too comfortable.

    But nobody wants to take that self responsibility. Because these people don't actually want what they propose. They don't want war with the state. They want some peaceful nonsense. Doesn't work like that. You have to be prepared and conditioned to lose everything. To go to prison. To be a terrorist. These are all things the state will do to you.

    The idiots above thinks white middle classes would risk everything lmfao. They already have comfortable lives. Why would they risk that?

    if nothing else, this post is facts

  • Sep 13, 2021

    “communism has become a meme”

  • Sep 13, 2021

    both the left and right are filled with privileged whites who like to roleplay as army men revolutionaries. two sides of the same stupid ass coin.

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    did cow actually go on a 6 month break cuz someone told him he cant

  • Sep 13, 2021

    did cow actually go on a 6 month break cuz someone told him he cant

    Thats my goat

  • Sep 13, 2021

    white leftists are the most racist subset of people in America tbh

    very frequently they view minorities or people who are "less privileged" as inherently inferior to them either consciously or subconsciously, or believe that these people are in need of them to be saviors

    personally I am a slightly right-leaning 21 yr old but I was never thrilled about trump as an individual or ideologically honestly, but I couldn't bring myself to vote for Biden due to this philosophy that I just described being a consistent in the things his campaign did and said. There is an automatic assumption that non-white individuals are in need of white people to help them because we aren't smart enough or competent enough to have personal responsibility

  • jg33

    white leftists are the most racist subset of people in America tbh

    very frequently they view minorities or people who are "less privileged" as inherently inferior to them either consciously or subconsciously, or believe that these people are in need of them to be saviors

    personally I am a slightly right-leaning 21 yr old but I was never thrilled about trump as an individual or ideologically honestly, but I couldn't bring myself to vote for Biden due to this philosophy that I just described being a consistent in the things his campaign did and said. There is an automatic assumption that non-white individuals are in need of white people to help them because we aren't smart enough or competent enough to have personal responsibility

    Can't belive this post was made lol. Trying to paint right whites from left whites any different, when they just different shades of racist

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Terrible thread

  • Sep 13, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    Terrible thread

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