YOU MEAN TWO BOATS AND A HELICOPTER, where CHRISTOPHER ECCELSTON as PASTOR MATT has to get money for his Church and it’s a TENSE PARABLE ABOUT LOSS and FAITH?? That episode had me screamin at the screen, let me tell you
YOU MEAN TWO BOATS AND A HELICOPTER, where CHRISTOPHER ECCELSTON as PASTOR MATT has to get money for his Church and it’s a TENSE PARABLE ABOUT LOSS and FAITH?? That episode had me screamin at the screen, let me tell you
Superman truly going to understand the way
s*** went so far over that one dude’s head that he thought the show got cancelled and was unfinished my god
What a dipshit
Masterpiece. Forever and always
I know when it's time I will be called for another rewatch
they dont make em like this anymore do they
Did u watch Lost yet?
YOU MEAN TWO BOATS AND A HELICOPTER, where CHRISTOPHER ECCELSTON as PASTOR MATT has to get money for his Church and it’s a TENSE PARABLE ABOUT LOSS and FAITH?? That episode had me screamin at the screen, let me tell you
That s*** had me nervous. But he got money now
It's funny how little things are so important to the chief lol the white shirts, finding real baby Jesus when he could just buy one.
This nigga particular af