How do yall feel about it this much time later?
Classic tour even after it ended
Classic merch still ripped off to this day
And most importantly.. classic album
Very enjoyable album. It does bother me that people try to compare this to Kanye’s better work though
Nigga wanted to be the first to post this so bad... I promise you no one else cared
remember sitting in my college dorm watching utralight beam on SNL and after the performance he screamed "LIFE OF PABLO OUT NOW ON TIDAL AL STREAING SERVICES OLIFE OF PABLO AOUT ONWO LPLIFE OF PABLO OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!" and then we sat there waiting for 3 hours as nothing happened and then mike dean posted on his snapchat story at like 2am that he was still mixing the f***ing album
Good album not great
High highs but overall not among his best
The overall era was dope though
Man couldn’t wait 25 minutes to post this
That said
Big fkin classic imo his last really amazing project, it was all over the place but holy f*** the amount of amazing highs on this, Real Friends, NMILA, 30 hours, High Lights
SEPTEMBER 3rd 2016
All these throwback threads just show how f***en insane 2015-2016 were for music and how garbage 2019-now has been in comparison
All these throwback threads just show how f***en insane 2015-2016 were for music and how garbage 2019-now has been in comparison
we'll be looking back with rose-colored glasses in a couple years dont worry
All these throwback threads just show how f***en insane 2015-2016 were for music and how garbage 2019-now has been in comparison
you are not love
nowhere near his best album but definitely a classic and probably his most iconic album
The month of January was one of the craziest exhibitions of celebrity Ive ever witnessed
tbh this is the ye album that grew on me the most. when it dropped I liked it but thought it was sloppy and all over the place. now I love everything about it.
Coolest part was everyone signing their names in that studio paper during the rollout