Terrible take
Massacre sounds better now after seeing the mid 50 came with after it but it was bloated af with tons of filler and insanely cringe singles
Grodt is timeless amd effortlessly cohesive with maybe 1 skip if that
I only hear 2 fillers on this album the s*** was build you up and so amazing lmao
I only hear 2 fillers on this album the s*** was build you up and so amazing lmao
Dunno if I've EVER listened to those all the way thru when playing the album front to back
Dunno if I've EVER listened to those all the way thru when playing the album front to back
i knew from the first listen that s*** was ass
i knew from the first listen that s*** was ass
Very much lived up to how they read on the track list lmao
Yes GRODT had more cultural impact, was a bit more tight in its tracklist curation and has the more iconic hits…. BUT
I’m done with The Massacre being slandered sometimes when people say 50 only dropped one amazing album. The Massacre is super replayable, versatile and was released when 50 was still the hottest in the streets
I consider it a classic, many do too, but I also feel that people who have never listened to 50 much roll with this narrative that he immediately fell off after GRODT. It’s simply not true, go listen to the Massacre again
!https://youtu.be/e5zAjDLy7L4?si=Ifwru-OR2r6HLbfnSorry but Its better than GRODT, idc I was there when both came out
The only single from massacre that I'd say aged well is the remix for Outta Control that wasn't on the original album. S*** was smooth af
Heavy agree OP I go back to Massacre the most. My favorite 50 song
Dumb hard
Heavy agree OP I go back to Massacre the most. My favorite 50 song
Easily the toughest thing on there, woulda made for a dope outro but I ain't mad at hate it or love it remix filling that spot neither
Tbh, I don’t think anyone is prepared for any kind of conversation on this site.
wish we had gotten at least one full length Spider Loc and Mase album under the G-Unit umbrella lol I think 50 was getting burned out by that point though tbh they went all out with GRODT then the G-Unit album and Game, Buck, Banks debuts (yes I'm going out of order lol) after that is where I think he probably was getting too busy with getting into film and other business ventures
wish we had gotten at least one full length Spider Loc and Mase album under the G-Unit umbrella lol I think 50 was getting burned out by that point though tbh they went all out with GRODT then the G-Unit album and Game, Buck, Banks debuts (yes I'm going out of order lol) after that is where I think he probably was getting too busy with getting into film and other business ventures
The hot rod single/video
50 signing MOP only to try to talk them into losing weight and doing shirtless for the ladies music
Yeah 50 was out of touch and overworked at that point he shoulda just focused on himself and his crew instead of trying to build an empire of his own
Passing on signing Nicki and remi to hire f***ing Olivia so he could have his Ashanti clone to do ja rule duets with was another huge blunder that basically set the stage for ppl to clown him
The hot rod single/video
50 signing MOP only to try to talk them into losing weight and doing shirtless for the ladies music
Yeah 50 was out of touch and overworked at that point he shoulda just focused on himself and his crew instead of trying to build an empire of his own
Passing on signing Nicki and remi to hire f***ing Olivia so he could have his Ashanti clone to do ja rule duets with was another huge blunder that basically set the stage for ppl to clown him
exactly lmao like he basically went down the same path as Ja far as music s*** goes
Playing 50 Cent Bulletproof on the PS2 hearing this s*** for the first time >>>>
The get rich movie was another fumble. The true story was far more interesting than the cartoonish fiction they put out, which apparently veered away from the original script so badly the director is embarrassed of it
Tbh, I don’t think anyone is prepared for any kind of conversation on this site.
They just hate on it because of the singles but all 3 singles proved to have aged well years later
Both are classics tho
Outta Control AND Outta Control Remix
No it isn’t and I’m not reading a single word in the OP
The album f***ing sucks man. My brother tried hyping that s*** up so much but it dos not hit. That Gatman and robin song was so cringe
Playing 50 Cent Bulletproof on the PS2 hearing this s*** for the first time >>>>
Bulletproof OST