  • 2piece

    I’ve seen a couple of great explanations. But I agree, most people in here are complaining about petty details. Which is cool with me. That’s partly why I made the thread.

    One guy is in here crying about me gaslighting him and how he doesn’t want to do this lmao

    I honestly didn’t mean for it to go this way

    Lol I was joking . Didn’t think thread would hit this many pages . Been some good feedback

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve seen a couple of great explanations. But I agree, most people in here are complaining about petty details. Which is cool with me. That’s partly why I made the thread.

    One guy is in here crying about me gaslighting him and how he doesn’t want to do this lmao

    I honestly didn’t mean for it to go this way

    Oh I mean I can really go the f*** in but what's the point at this point

    I've done it so many times

  • Apr 6, 2023
    Block Muteson

    Best Marvel Movies of Each Year (Starting with 1922)

    You remember the year I started that thread

  • Apr 6, 2023

    I hate to say it but Spiderman no way home was dumb too. I get it, but the plot is lazy as F*** even for comic book standards. I still can't get over why doctor strange would just simply agree to rewriting reality for some kid.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    thoroughly enjoyed Wandavision, Multiverse Of Madness and Wakanda Forever and i have better taste than you

    MoM was decent
    That other s*** u listed tho


    Oh I mean I can really go the f*** in but what's the point at this point

    I've done it so many times

  • Apr 6, 2023

    I was saying this super hero s*** was over saturated in 2015 I’ve been hating. OG marvel hater

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    MoM was decent
    That other s*** u listed tho

    I been dying for Namor to join the MCU since the beginning and they knocked it out of the park imo

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    They are propaganda

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies

    They are propaganda

    Thin considering every single one succs Top Gun

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Thin considering every single one succs Top Gun

    Possibly the most successful Hollywood propaganda film

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Thin considering every single one succs Top Gun

    That’s not true dawg

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I been dying for Namor to join the MCU since the beginning and they knocked it out of the park imo

    Ok u like Namor
    But do u honestly think WF is a well made movie?

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies

    Ok u like Namor
    But do u honestly think WF is a well made movie?

    Hard to look at it objectively cause I lost my pops to cancer last year and felt like I was sharing the casts sorrow when I watched it. Couldn't help but be moved. Between that and my excitement for Namor I really like the movie.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    3 replies

    WF is objective trash

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Hard to look at it objectively cause I lost my pops to cancer last year and felt like I was sharing the casts sorrow when I watched it. Couldn't help but be moved. Between that and my excitement for Namor I really like the movie.

    Okay dawg appreciate the honesty about looking at it objectively and sorry for your loss

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Hard to look at it objectively cause I lost my pops to cancer last year and felt like I was sharing the casts sorrow when I watched it. Couldn't help but be moved. Between that and my excitement for Namor I really like the movie.

    Sorry for your loss sir

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Because there's little to no artistry involved. They're so clearly products as opposed to films. A good portion of the dialogue has been dumbed down to the point of it just being meta self-aware jokes. The use of CGI to speed up production so that they can crank out multiple films a year ruins the one thing — action — that the movies should have going for them regardless of the rest of the content. They seem so focused grouped that any edge the individual directors could bring to the table is sanded down to a nub.

    In short, they're soulless.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies
    Sincerely him

    WF is objective trash

    Idk if that’s true tbh.

    Ant man 3, Thor 4, Thor 2 etc feel like the ones that are just not well made, uninspired, non tactile, actually unlikeable and offensive in writing and production quality.

    What about WF was straight up terrible to you?

    Besides the dark cgi of Atlantis/empty cgi of the last fight on the ship, I thought it was a solid, tried and tested, sincere superhero blockbuster with great acting and an (obviously) believable and tangible emotional anchor

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Idk if that’s true tbh.

    Ant man 3, Thor 4, Thor 2 etc feel like the ones that are just not well made, uninspired, non tactile, actually unlikeable and offensive in writing and production quality.

    What about WF was straight up terrible to you?

    Besides the dark cgi of Atlantis/empty cgi of the last fight on the ship, I thought it was a solid, tried and tested, sincere superhero blockbuster with great acting and an (obviously) believable and tangible emotional anchor

    The writing is lazy compared to the first. I wanna see the script before Boseman passed, tbh. Coogler is usually great with ensemble cast. Seemed like he didn't care much in WF.

  • Sincerely him

    WF is objective trash

    It ain't bad man. There are way worse Marvel entries lol.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    The writing is lazy compared to the first. I wanna see the script before Boseman passed, tbh. Coogler is usually great with ensemble cast. Seemed like he didn't care much in WF.

    Not caring is prolly not the right term considering they were actually grieving irl but who knows what the OG Script was like.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    3 replies

    I don’t hate it. At one point I was obsessed with it.

    But let’s be real: Most the movies on their own aren’t great. For awhile it seemed like they were getting progressively better, but they seemed to hit their peak with IW and are on their way back down. Let’s talk about it.

    • Every movie outside of BP1 has had an absolutely s*** score with uninspired sound work.

    • The dialogue is, by and large, generic bullshit with a few cheap jokes and gags thrown in.

    • It lacks relatable depth to its characters. Troubled characters don’t stay troubled long, and never truly delve beyond “I’m sad because this” or “I’m scared because that”. Grief over significant death only lasts a short scene and then they zoom off to the next plot point. We never witness true human complexity at work in any of these films. Kilmonger and Thanos are probably the best characters they've written, and one of them dies in his first film. Nearly every hero is some sort of variation of their pride and joy Tony Stark. Aloof, sarcastic, joke-cracking, but will turn on the serious face for brief moments at a time.

    • Most of them don’t look great. 9 out of 10 MCU movies are flat and plastic looking. Some of them have cool CGI moments, but the camera work is so bland and lacking in depth that the SFX become a cheap theatric.

    But let’s be real: Most the movies on their own aren’t great. For awhile it seemed like they were getting progressively better

    The craziest part is that people are acting like every movie after Endgame sucked, like bro 90% of MCU movies are generic and pretty soulless.

    Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, Winter Solider, Wakanda Forever, Deadpool, GOTG Series, Infinity War, and Endgame are the best the MCU has to offer. Everything else is just "ok".

    I didn't even like Reeves' Batman but that movie clears every single Marvel movie in terms of enjoyability, cinematography, vision, etc.

    The bar is so low and people "all of a sudden" realized the formula sucks, like bro c'mon now.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Sincerely him

    WF is objective trash

    Are there any movies you think are aight/meh?

  • Apr 6, 2023

    But let’s be real: Most the movies on their own aren’t great. For awhile it seemed like they were getting progressively better

    The craziest part is that people are acting like every movie after Endgame sucked, like bro 90% of MCU movies are generic and pretty soulless.

    Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, Winter Solider, Wakanda Forever, Deadpool, GOTG Series, Infinity War, and Endgame are the best the MCU has to offer. Everything else is just "ok".

    I didn't even like Reeves' Batman but that movie clears every single Marvel movie in terms of enjoyability, cinematography, vision, etc.

    The bar is so low and people "all of a sudden" realized the formula sucks, like bro c'mon now.

    This nigga kinda spittin