But let’s be real: Most the movies on their own aren’t great. For awhile it seemed like they were getting progressively better
The craziest part is that people are acting like every movie after Endgame sucked, like bro 90% of MCU movies are generic and pretty soulless.
Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, Winter Solider, Wakanda Forever, Deadpool, GOTG Series, Infinity War, and Endgame are the best the MCU has to offer. Everything else is just "ok".
I didn't even like Reeves' Batman but that movie clears every single Marvel movie in terms of enjoyability, cinematography, vision, etc.
The bar is so low and people "all of a sudden" realized the formula sucks, like bro c'mon now.
I feel like Deadpool’s probably aged like milk
Not caring is prolly not the right term considering they were actually grieving irl but who knows what the OG Script was like.
I'm leaning towards Disney mandates as the reason. Side characters had plenty of depth and purpose in the OG. Very surface level in the sequel.
I'm leaning towards Disney mandates as the reason. Side characters had plenty of depth and purpose in the OG. Very surface level in the sequel.
Disney just has to tie in the upcoming property in whatever current movie lol
Are u a fan of sci fi?
GOTG is just something I could not get into when watching.
GOTG is just something I could not get into when watching.
I get it
Although I do like gotg 1 personally, thinks it’s well made overall
Okay dawg appreciate the honesty about looking at it objectively and sorry for your loss
Thanks man
Idk if that’s true tbh.
Ant man 3, Thor 4, Thor 2 etc feel like the ones that are just not well made, uninspired, non tactile, actually unlikeable and offensive in writing and production quality.
What about WF was straight up terrible to you?
Besides the dark cgi of Atlantis/empty cgi of the last fight on the ship, I thought it was a solid, tried and tested, sincere superhero blockbuster with great acting and an (obviously) believable and tangible emotional anchor
But let’s be real: Most the movies on their own aren’t great. For awhile it seemed like they were getting progressively better
The craziest part is that people are acting like every movie after Endgame sucked, like bro 90% of MCU movies are generic and pretty soulless.
Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, Winter Solider, Wakanda Forever, Deadpool, GOTG Series, Infinity War, and Endgame are the best the MCU has to offer. Everything else is just "ok".
I didn't even like Reeves' Batman but that movie clears every single Marvel movie in terms of enjoyability, cinematography, vision, etc.
The bar is so low and people "all of a sudden" realized the formula sucks, like bro c'mon now.
Reeves Batman was the most pointless blockbuster I've ever seen
There's just too much.
Should've shut it down for a few years after No way Home
They did after Endgame tho
Reeves Batman was the most pointless blockbuster I've ever seen
retweet it's ass, but it's a grade above whatever marvel puts out
I feel like Deadpool’s probably aged like milk
It sucked when it came out but nobody wanted to hear it
MCU really had niggas shook it took until yall saw some underperformance before making this thread.
Couldn't be me
yall whippersnappers talkin s*** itt ?
Keep ya mouth shut! Trigger fingers ready for austin butler.
GOTG is boring as f*** to me too.
The characters have distinct personalities and good chemistry. It gets into the top 10 on that alone IMO. But the jokes and story are pretty paint by numbers. Thor Ragnarok is vastly superior.
Reeves Batman was the most pointless blockbuster I've ever seen
I would have said the same thing
But then I watched it again and got woke
Are there any movies you think are aight/meh?
Probably just the Shang Chi.
Ant man 3 and WF are awful. Ant man 3 specially, Horrible villain entry, I mean first time we see thanos he wiped the floor with people and gave Hulk PTSD
Kang got beat by fking ants lmao.
Infinity saga was straight gas, golden era for comic movies
Onr of my main gripes is that marvel in their own universe killed the concept of death so when it came time for people to die, I didn't care. When Tony died I remember cracking up in theaters. And I went to the bathroom when widow died so I ain't see it. There's no weight
Onr of my main gripes is that marvel in their own universe killed the concept of death so when it came time for people to die, I didn't care. When Tony died I remember cracking up in theaters. And I went to the bathroom when widow died so I ain't see it. There's no weight
Not one but two main characters resurrected from dramatic deaths for the next 9 avatar films