  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    You’re a goober bro, look how bias Kendrick side is,
    Wdym “WE” hate the girls Drake f***
    That’s not rap or bars, u don’t even know who Drake smashing
    He f***in everybody girlfriend

    Kendrick f*** white girls Drake flipped that on him
    So u bringin that part up has no value Drake lyrically spun that back on him

    Now we back to what I said,
    Kendrick didn’t say or rhyme much significant, he had 2 punching lines Max

    Drake and his lyrics have glamorized a cariacture of the nightlife that arguably has become the default archetype many young women strive to be but if you dont see it that way there’s no need to expound further

    Kendrick making music that is taken as pro black and revolutionary doesn’t mean he can’t f*** white women lol. I remember him actually rapping about f***ing a white girl and something about a cell phone store on either S80/OD/GKMC. The idea that hes a hypocrite for making vaguely pro black/reflective of the black experience music and f***ing white women is ridiculous lmaooo

    Lol what were kendrick’s two punching lines?

  • May 23, 2024

    yeah i never understood the 20v1 angle he tried to take cus nigga you the one shot at all these people first. cant be mad they just all happened to come at you at once you wanted this right?

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    I mean when Kendrick stans declared he won when that fake AI track dropped was pretty telling

  • May 23, 2024

    niggas really trying to shift the narrative to “he never had a chance at winning” in real time as some cop out excuse s***


    The epitome of what bruh means when he says “not like us”. Take your L go home and hope your momma cooked something good to eat nigga lol

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    Drake and his lyrics have glamorized a cariacture of the nightlife that arguably has become the default archetype many young women strive to be but if you dont see it that way there’s no need to expound further

    Kendrick making music that is taken as pro black and revolutionary doesn’t mean he can’t f*** white women lol. I remember him actually rapping about f***ing a white girl and something about a cell phone store on either S80/OD/GKMC. The idea that hes a hypocrite for making vaguely pro black/reflective of the black experience music and f***ing white women is ridiculous lmaooo

    Lol what were kendrick’s two punching lines?

    Bro u just said the dumbest s***🤣🤣🤣
    You tryna sound sophisticated and special because you listen to KL,
    But really you exposing yourself as a dumbass / goober

    You r hype 4 Kendrick you aren’t really into HIP HOP or RAP

  • May 23, 2024

    First it was : Drake lost, all that s*** is A.I. why doesn’t he put it on dsp?
    Then it was : Yo, Drake is spiraling, that Tupac s*** is corny, Kendrick is winning by his silence…
    Don’t act like we don’t remember fam

    Drake had a lot of support with push ups but yeah you’re right it sure doesn’t help when Drake has screwed up at literally every chance he could lmfao

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    Drake is spiraling that A.I s*** is corny Kendrick is winning by his silence.
    That was the narrative after he dropped the Taylor Made.

    Drake lost. Kendrick outsmarted him.
    But don’t act as if the entire system was not tired of seeing win because he is weird and corny.

    How on the Saturday Kendrick drops they not like us, Rolling Stones declares him the winner? How Ebro(who just declared GKMC the greatest album rap ever) and Peter Rosenberg and Elliot Wilson kept s***ting on Drake while at the same time praising Kendrick ? How when the daughter story was debunked, Elliot Wilson reposted MTG without the daughter verse? Find me 1 mainstream journalists (so not Ak) who was in favor of Drake. Charlamagne was the only one who said they both did a great job. Come on man…use that thing called your brain other than jacking off to carti and Mr Morale

    It’s almost like Kendrick is the better rapper or something and it’s almost universally agreed on in the music industry

  • May 23, 2024

    dude said KTT is getting too hard to browse because of the Drake slander

    I remember a post during the beef or just before Drake dropped Push Ups of someone saying he's leaving because of Drake slander

  • May 23, 2024

    First it was "dRaKe wOn" when Push Ups & Taylor Made Freestyle dropped

    Now it's "Drake only lost because because the internet and rap circles hate him"

    Which one is it OVhoes?

  • May 23, 2024

    Dude sound like he been posting in the compound since Thank Me Later ☠️☠️

  • May 23, 2024






  • May 23, 2024

    perpetual victim complex like niggas weren’t on Kendrick’s head for the entirety of the 3 weeks of radio silence, after the ai song, had niggas on here spinning embarrassing levels of fanfic about him being petrified of going at drake now it’s “he was always gonna be declared the winner”

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    nah he lost before he started because the culture already hates him and loves kendrick so the chances were insanely stacked against him. he started strong but heart pt 6 ruined the momentum and kendrick consolidated with not like us

    your last sentence negates the other s***. Drake started strong (and confident), and Kendrick played the game better and won.....that's it.

    Heart Pt 6 ruining the momentum is more Drake's own error than it is "the culture hating him." Nothing you're saying actually proves he lost before it started

  • May 23, 2024

    there's far too many errors in Family Matters and Heart Pt 6 alone that ruined his own odds. We got a whole damaging verse on NLU off the slave bar which also got sour reaction on release too.

    He sounded so defeated on Heart Pt 6 on top of making additional errors misreading Mister Morale (which Kendrick said Drake would do). This is all his doing

    Before we can even get to the convo on people "being against him" there's mistakes and miscalculations that would lose anyone the battle. Dude f***ing thought FM was a nuke that would lead to his vacation cmon....

  • May 23, 2024

    We are so close to total victory my Kanon brothers. We almost convinced everyone.

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    It’s almost like Kendrick is the better rapper or something and it’s almost universally agreed on in the music industry

    So is the industry is with or against Drake? Because your answer changes every hour ?

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    So is the industry is with or against Drake? Because your answer changes every hour ?

    can you explain why the industry’s $400M cash cow would want to see his downfall

    im genuinely interested, like what would they get out of it

  • May 23, 2024

    can you explain why the industry’s $400M cash cow would want to see his downfall

    im genuinely interested, like what would they get out of it

    Because what you called « the industry » is not a monolith. It’s the conglomerate of different interests colliding together. Some make money of Drake, other do not. And newsflash: there might be a lot more that don’t make money out of him.
    Also, like in every business or system, it’s more based on relationship and egos rather than just money and merit (but you have to go to work to know that).
    So a lot of people inside the industry might be tired of Drake, maybe he doesn’t play ball, he’s a prima donna, or even an a******.
    And that’s how the majority of an industry might be secretly rooting for your downfall.
    Do you understand now?

  • May 23, 2024

    your last sentence negates the other s***. Drake started strong (and confident), and Kendrick played the game better and won.....that's it.

    Heart Pt 6 ruining the momentum is more Drake's own error than it is "the culture hating him." Nothing you're saying actually proves he lost before it started

    uhh no it doesnt "negate" anything lol, you appear to misunderstand the fact that these two realities can coexist. folks hate drake which means he had to be literally perfect and airtight in his s*** for him to be accepted as a winner and even then maybe not, and that was a big ask for 2024 drake regardless, which is why he eventually fumbled hugely w heart pt 6. idk why it's so hard for yall to accept the obvious truth that drake was and is more hated than ever.. i dont need to "prove" he lost before he started because it's obvious to anyone even remotely paying attention that in the eyes of the culture, kendrick is the chosen one, and in a beef between the two they finna be rooting for him over drake, on TOP of the fact that drake fumbled. all im sayin is it's clearly both even if that werent true drake wouldve lost if he ended it the way he did

  • May 23, 2024


  • May 23, 2024
    Oscar Winner

    I mean when Kendrick stans declared he won when that fake AI track dropped was pretty telling

    Lol i forgot about one shot

  • OP
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    The Draco bars?
    The v12 ab machine bar? “Let your CORE audience STOMACH that then tell em where you get your ABS” from clever af
    Has Drake ever walked his enemy down with a poker face?
    Drake doing cosplay as a hood dude “how many more fairy tales til we had enough”
    The pac s***?
    Pusha T but ain’t pushin me for 15 years just tip toeing
    Drake dress like he in his 20s but he a middle aged man
    Hanging with yachty don’t give you flowers

    Drake praised Kendrick to get a feature from him and Kendrick said f*** you lmao

    Standing next to sexy red he really think he a bad b**** with them nails and bbl

    Raising son around predators

    1v20 bar clean af flipping his own line on him

    “Ovo niggas (you) is d*** riders” FACTS

    The Canadian accent mock


    @SPACEGHOSTPURRP you never replied to this one fam

  • May 23, 2024

    @SPACEGHOSTPURRP you never replied to this one fam

    Guy is trolling in bad faith why even entertain his nonsense?

  • May 23, 2024

    Bro u just said the dumbest s***🤣🤣🤣
    You tryna sound sophisticated and special because you listen to KL,
    But really you exposing yourself as a dumbass / goober

    You r hype 4 Kendrick you aren’t really into HIP HOP or RAP

    I listen to both

    everything you just said is literally random s*** you’re throwing at the wall

    Dumbass lol
