Beautiful single
Wasn't crazy about their last 2 albums, some songs I loved and some that were forgettable, but it's fair given they had one of the truly GOAT runs between Alligator and TWFM.
I have a feeling this might just be on that GOAT level again though
Beautiful single
Wasn't crazy about their last 2 albums, some songs I loved and some that were forgettable, but it's fair given they had one of the truly GOAT runs between Alligator and TWFM.
I have a feeling this might just be on that GOAT level again though
damn i haven’t rocked with a National record from front to back since TWFM so this has me hyped
new album is gonna be the music equivalent of a divorced middle-aged professor inappropriately hitting on undergrads
not a compliment, obviously
new album is gonna be the music equivalent of a divorced middle-aged professor inappropriately hitting on undergrads
not a compliment, obviously
i feel sorry for you if you actually go around saying s*** like this
havent listened to the singles but Sleep Well Beast was my s***, I still go back to that album
Ooh my god. This is so good
Alligator vibes for sure
The National’s new album has a “classic” sound with “a lot of energy”
“It’s all very exciting: it kind of feels back to the classic National sound in a way, which was really just the five of us, and it has a lot of energy in it,”
! am simply not a fan of the band. alien was cool i guess
Looks like this mid dropped..
Fr.. singles were first single was pretty good tbh. then i saw the title for the 2nd single and had a feeling this would be some serious NPR core s***
that first single was pretty good tbh. then i saw the title for the 2nd single and had a feeling this would be some serious NPR core s***
Yeah. That's 1/4
Looks like this mid dropped..
like if i'm being generous, tracks 5-8 maybe 9 was an ok run. but i've enjoyed every new album i've heard today more lol. i'm not the best judge tho i've never really been a fan of their stuff