the bible is a picture book??
It's full of vivid imagery and details coupled with historical evidence
That means blacks aren't good enough to be jews
no cap when I read that second paragraph s*** was looking weird
iont get the whole "melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul" part, n i think that idea is prolly involved with some white ppl's rxns to this. i haven't seen the part of the vid that seems anti-semitic tho
Whay did nick say wrong?
That white ppl lack melanin? That "Caucasians" came from the "Caucasus mountains"??
What did he say wrong
He literally out here pushing pseudo science though, lol. How are you going to say a lack of melanin defines characteristic traits? There are plenty of people in the media who explain the behavior of white people w/o sounding like a fool and pushing junk science.
the bible is a picture book??
it described Jesus as black. So Jesus was black and his people just so happened to be white?
no cap when I read that second paragraph s*** was looking weird
"Black Hebrew Israelites are not associated with the mainstream Jewish community, and they do not meet the standards that are used to identify people as Jewish by the Jewish community"
What's that mean to you?
Also let's not forget that christians are simply Jews who believes that Jesus was the Messiah.
The Jews left over were the ones who killed a good ass dude for no reason other than "how dare that good ass dude come here preaching peace. He's becoming too influential"
I come off as completely ignorant and I just wanted to let you know that before I ask this.
What are the benefits to having melanin?
So glad I've been blocked all the racist weirdos on here. Discourse in thread looking surprisingly good
He literally out here pushing pseudo science though, lol. How are you going to say a lack of melanin defines characteristic traits? There are plenty of people in the media who explain the behavior of white people w/o sounding like a fool and pushing junk science.
What pseudo science? Yall upset that a clip of nick talking to another black man about melanin was taken out of context?
Where's the cancellation of Ben Shapiro when he's preaching that race realism bullshit
He literally out here pushing pseudo science though, lol. How are you going to say a lack of melanin defines characteristic traits? There are plenty of people in the media who explain the behavior of white people w/o sounding like a fool and pushing junk science.
Yeah black people gotta dead that melanin s***
Mods been trying to shut us down for everything related to Nick canon. They need to be called out for literally silencing us on the subject
I come off as completely ignorant and I just wanted to let you know that before I ask this.
What are the benefits to having melanin?
Protects from sun
That means blacks aren't good enough to be jews
And the first Jews had to be black. Out there near the equator with all that sun will obviously leave your skin dark, not white
I don’t have a horse in this race, like I don’t think the s*** he said was even that bad imo
But it’s obvious that people just stick up for their own race/political beliefs whenever they need to, and s*** on other races/political beliefs whenever they have the opportunity. Tribalism is still very much alive
True s***
He literally out here pushing pseudo science though, lol. How are you going to say a lack of melanin defines characteristic traits? There are plenty of people in the media who explain the behavior of white people w/o sounding like a fool and pushing junk science.
iont get the whole "melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul" part, n i think that idea is prolly involved with some white ppl's rxns to this. i haven't seen the part of the vid that seems anti-semitic tho
It's been said for a loooooonnngggg time that melanin has some properties of being able to absorb energy. Energy comes in all kinds of forms. We have electromagnetic waves around our body. Blah blah our emotions can affect those invisible waves around us. Blah blah melanin allows one to feel the emotions of others. Blah blah
So for someone with less melanin they might be more detached to the feelings of others because theyre nkt absorbing the energy of other's