  • Mar 8, 2021

    There's somr pretty big differences between the big three tbh I find it fascinating

    The largest variant out of them is Christianity, in the fact that they split God in 3 parts.

    Judaism & Islam look at God as 1 entity.

    Those are probably the biggest differences tbh

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Judaism = Adam to Moses
    Christianity = Adam to Moses then Jesus
    Islam = Adam to Moses to Jesus then Muhammad

  • Mar 8, 2021

    All Abrahamic religions have serious issues to reconcile in their own sects. But I've got no problem with believers for the most part, just keep to yourself and the community.

  • Mar 8, 2021

    There was a point where I wrote off any unscientific belief as fanatical mindlessness, but recently I've been trying to be more open minded about things like this. I think for many people religion functions first and foremost as a community thing and secondly as a genuine belief, but maybe that's just how I saw it looking back on my childhood in the church

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    everyone’s corny g

  • Mar 8, 2021

    everyone’s corny g

    Real talk

  • Damn no Nigerian pastor @ itt, I’m fallin off mane

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    @BaroudeurFlipFlop if you want, read this expressive piece I wrote on the 3 best known Abrahamic prophets below:

    Imagine yourself:
    3000 years ago, crossing a rough, watery terrain. You’re tired... but you keep going. You’re almost to what seems like a beach area, a shore. You look back, with tears in your eyes - and see a man clad in gold, riding atop his horse, sword in hand. You lock eyes, and mutter “sorry, brother”, as giant walls of water come crashing down on the man from both sides.

    Imagine yourself:
    2000 years ago, staring across a huge crowd in a busy town district of the Levantine area. You notice kids, soldiers & resident’s eyes all fixated on you. Some are cheering, few are weeping. Most of all, your eyes turn to a woman. Your mother? Your eyes lock with hers as you feel the nails begin to dig into your body.

    Imagine yourself:
    1400 years ago, an orphaned boy growing up in a wild & unforgiving desert. A place where you can easily get killed for staring at a wealthy person the wrong way. As an adult, you stand atop a sand dune at night, eyes fixated up to the heavens. The moonlit surrounding illuminates the terrain where the many injustices & evils are experienced. More than a 1000 tribes will unify against you in your lifetime - to try & kill you & your loved ones. As your beloved wife comes to your side & wraps your scarf around you. You think to yourself: “the world must change”.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Y’all are so extra, you do know that you come off as wackos right?

    live and let live. As long as they're not shaming you for your beliefs, who cares

  • Mar 8, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    Don’t you have a god’s blood to drink?

    ok now this post corny

  • Mar 8, 2021
    no way this new

    you rarely see any hatred from european christians at least in my observation. very tolerant people. on the other hand american christians sometimes are very weird like Trump supporters for example.

    Y'all have some weird generalizations, do some of y'all go otuside

  • Mar 8, 2021
    no way this new

    you rarely see any hatred from european christians at least in my observation. very tolerant people. on the other hand american christians sometimes are very weird like Trump supporters for example.

    American Christians literally worship (as a God) an Arab Jew of Levantine descent who was born in Palestine

    “KEEP THOSE MIDDLE EASTERNERS OUT!!” keep Jesus out ya heart then

  • Mar 8, 2021

    @BaroudeurFlipFlop if you want, read this expressive piece I wrote on the 3 best known Abrahamic prophets below:

    Imagine yourself:
    3000 years ago, crossing a rough, watery terrain. You’re tired... but you keep going. You’re almost to what seems like a beach area, a shore. You look back, with tears in your eyes - and see a man clad in gold, riding atop his horse, sword in hand. You lock eyes, and mutter “sorry, brother”, as giant walls of water come crashing down on the man from both sides.

    Imagine yourself:
    2000 years ago, staring across a huge crowd in a busy town district of the Levantine area. You notice kids, soldiers & resident’s eyes all fixated on you. Some are cheering, few are weeping. Most of all, your eyes turn to a woman. Your mother? Your eyes lock with hers as you feel the nails begin to dig into your body.

    Imagine yourself:
    1400 years ago, an orphaned boy growing up in a wild & unforgiving desert. A place where you can easily get killed for staring at a wealthy person the wrong way. As an adult, you stand atop a sand dune at night, eyes fixated up to the heavens. The moonlit surrounding illuminates the terrain where the many injustices & evils are experienced. More than a 1000 tribes will unify against you in your lifetime - to try & kill you & your loved ones. As your beloved wife comes to your side & wraps your scarf around you. You think to yourself: “the world must change”.

    Damn that was hard

  • Mar 8, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    hot take : melee is mid


  • Mar 8, 2021

    all extremes are bad

    extreme statement btw

  • Mar 8, 2021

    But that's so weird Jesus is important in Islam too as far as I know

    I keep telling him about Issa and how important his role his in the Qu'ran, but yeah as @sniper said, he considers that I pray Jesus not God itself

  • Mar 8, 2021

    all extremes are bad

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Just let people be whatever they want to be as long as they don't try to make you do anything. And don't try to generalize in any way. Every human is different.

    Life is not that hard if you just follow those steps

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah I'm from an atheist family but in history classes in France we talk a lot about all of that so I'm familiar with Christianity and the different faiths in it, I've been doing research on Islam and Judaism tho I want to learn

    I would say judaïsm is the most interesting one to study because of the Torah and the Zohar, 2 very very interesting book, almost just philosophy not religion

  • Mar 8, 2021

    All the religious fundamentalists I've known for years keep turning QAnon worshipping their lord and savior Donald Trump and it's f***ing depressing

  • Mar 8, 2021

    The overly __ are corny

  • Mar 8, 2021

    I call myself a Christian because I try to follow the teachings of Christ and consider Him an ideal model, but it's really tough to label yourself like that when the representatives of the faith are a complete embarrassment. Like, if so many Christians eventually turn into hollow conservative sheep who won't vaccinate their kids or support legislation that benefits the poor, what does that say about me? Am I going to be like that someday? That's not what I want.

    So I have a lot of sympathy for atheists who think religion is a scourge because yeah it really does seem to be. I'm trying to find a balance between a self-sacrificial, extroverted and empathetic lifestyle that also adopts some Buddhists principles that place my own existence into perspective and help me to cope with change.

    There's a lot to learn from perspectives all over the world, which is one of many reasons why being a religious fanatic is not only corny but harmful. Religion should never be an end unto itself.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    no way this new

    overly anti religious corny too. tip yo fedora somewhere else!

  • Mar 8, 2021

    I would say judaïsm is the most interesting one to study because of the Torah and the Zohar, 2 very very interesting book, almost just philosophy not religion

    Yeah Judaism sound really interesting, I've been fascinated by how the angels are described too

    Gotta read the whole tjing tbh

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Without religion and racism we would have flying cars and maybe eternal life by now, just saying

    Do you know how many scientific contributions have Islamic origins? The scientific method was literally birthed by a Muslim