Something about Matt Reeves universe that doesn’t stick with me
it’s like they are made great technically but it’s missing soul
He's not a good filmmaker
It’s for the best to wait till after the strike than try to push through and have quality suffer.
I thought scripts were done but maybe some rewrites were needed
Rated R fanatics won
Doesn’t make sense
Stanley Merkel moment
There’s been soo much fan chatter around him playing characters like Freeze for yeaaaars so it’s def interesting he’s now casted in this universe
Wouldn’t put much stock into what IMDB lists. Could be a red herring but that’s a notable mid-late production casting to just randomly do
That’s alright tbh, need that winter shoot to hit
they are fumbling EVERYTHING good about reeves verse
How are they fumbling the universe ?
they are fumbling EVERYTHING good about reeves verse
In what way? Delaying the show because of the strike?