First question im already out
got Stalin lol
This test is bullshit. Not only are questions extremely poor (completely devoid of any class content), but it was made by libertarians and skews the results down to make people think they’re more “libertarian” than they are. I’m a Maoist and if I take this test it tells me I’m an anarchist lol
This test is bullshit. Not only are questions extremely poor (completely devoid of any class content), but it was made by libertarians and skews the results down to make people think they’re more “libertarian” than they are. I’m a Maoist and if I take this test it tells me I’m an anarchist lol
Anarchism is when you're not homophobic
Man look at my results in OP compared to now. Times have changed
You've come so far comrade
You've come so far comrade
wow a rare scratchin mamba appearance I feel blessed today
I always hated the way some of these questions are worded, like, “Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers.”
I don’t like this question because I always believe family comes before work whether its the father or the mother.
It just comes off as "women should be in the kitchen," tier bait.