What Kind of Socialist or Communist Are You?
Your Result: Joseph Stalin
You are Joseph Stalin, second leader of the Soviet Union and fierce dictator. You are not much of an intellectual but a powerful leader. You believe in extreme collectivization and authoritarian rule - to the point of personal dictatorship. You resort to massive violence and threats to get people to obey you.
stalin economics were ahead of their time by a hundred years but what in the world is collectivizism (sic!)
Man look at my results in OP compared to now. Times have changed
I always hated the way some of these questions are worded, like, “Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers.”
I don’t like this question because I always believe family comes before work whether its the father or the mother.
It just comes off as "women should be in the kitchen," tier bait.
yeah the framing of questions in most of these tests are just awful