Road to el dorado was good what’s up with the hate itt?
I didn't see anyone hating on it. Couple of lauged but even I admitted on the first page I liked it still. It's just I dont think its better than prince
I personally wouldn’t change a thing about this film and the animation is gorgeous like no other, but I do think it wasn’t as successful as it could’ve been because (like a lot of Dreamworks movies)…it didn’t need to be animated. Nothing about this movie could have only existed as a result of animation like all the most seminal animated movies are. If this s*** was live action in 1998, everything the same and the same level? Would’ve been one of the biggest films of all time at the time - edit nvm it would’ve been called a Titanic ripoff
Remember Shark Tale
The concept for this was really cool and all the big name voices actors and stuff. Just think it could have been executed better but I enjoyed it. Was definitely clever
The animation (still trumps many animated features today)
The Music
The voice acting
The fine line between being dark, hopeful, and comedic when it needs to be
Every thing about the plagues scene is just
Absolute classic that I still watch to this day. This film has had more of an impact on me, religiously, than any other church could dream.
What an amazing film
This was everyone’s favorite movie when I was at daycare when I was little
All those lil kids are now rocket scientists
All those lil kids are now rocket scientists
Wrong I own a smoke shop