This s*** gonna be wack this nigga Londell is full of himself and a straight up ass from what I’ve heard from people who work there. He gonna be the one dancing all in the video
This s*** gonna be wack this nigga Londell is full of himself and a straight up ass from what I’ve heard from people who work there. He gonna be the one dancing all in the video
Lmaoo nigga who Londell
How's bringing back The Source Awards gonna be any different from BET Hip Hop Awards?
The aesthetic and history/legacy of crazy s*** happening there
Could honestly see them going full rap is wrestling and script some s*** to happen lmao
Lmaoo nigga who Londell
The owner of the magazine now and the dude in the picture of that IG post.
I seen a nigga on here say earlier today 2016 was a great time to graduate middle school so I fully expect niggas to not know what the f*** this is lmao
Dam that made me feel OLD
The stars will no show, the fans will be dismissive and everyone will continue crying over wypipo validation
I only know about this due to its history being one times east and west being together
And then this
I seen a nigga on here say earlier today 2016 was a great time to graduate middle school so I fully expect niggas to not know what the f*** this is lmao
Graduate middle school. Yeah I’m to old for this site
Cant wait for niggas to dismiss this like the BET awards then cry over s*** like the grammies asking for an alternative lmao
The stars will no show, the fans will be dismissive and everyone will continue crying over wypipo validation
I seen a nigga on here say earlier today 2016 was a great time to graduate middle school so I fully expect niggas to not know what the f*** this is lmao
Middle school
Cant wait for niggas to dismiss this like the BET awards then cry over s*** like the grammies asking for an alternative lmao
happens everytime
Cant wait for niggas to dismiss this like the BET awards then cry over s*** like the grammies asking for an alternative lmao
But BET and The Source while a little better, are still awful.
nice as bun-b when i met him at the source awards
girl he had with him? ass coulda won the horse awards
But BET and The Source while a little better, are still awful.
Award shows in general are awful
hopefully we get some modern day classic moments out of this. plus people can boost this more than the grammys for a change
This and the soul train awards used to be the biggest awards to black artist.
Somewhere in the 00s the switch happened to where niggas started valuing Grammys over soul train and source awards. I blame jay z
Soul train awards had prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney, Janet. Bobby brown, so many legends performed on it
I seen a nigga on here say earlier today 2016 was a great time to graduate middle school so I fully expect niggas to not know what the f*** this is lmao
This and the soul train awards used to be the biggest awards to black artist.
Somewhere in the 00s the switch happened to where niggas started valuing Grammys over soul train and source awards. I blame jay z
Soul train awards had prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney, Janet. Bobby brown, so many legends performed on it