Oh right this the mf that did Guardians of the galaxy, so I guess it makes sense
Yeah i came in expecting all that just need top tier action. Felt like mfs were forcing themselves to laugh at even the meh jokes every time I see this mans movies with others
They’re good tho but yeah he’s banter
Yeah i came in expecting all that just need top tier action. Felt like mfs were forcing themselves to laugh at even the meh jokes every time I see this mans movies with others
They’re good tho but yeah he’s banter
I haven't even seen Guardians partly cuz it got that b**** ass mf Starlord/Chris Pratt in it. The trailer and the couple scenes I did see were corny af and I seen enough of them in Infinity War to know I wouldn't like the movies lol.
That we’re all gonna die, I hope so line was hilarious
Especially cuz that actor is known for always playing psychotic f***ed up characters
That we’re all gonna die, I hope so line was hilarious
Especially cuz that actor is known for always playing psychotic f***ed up characters
Polka Dot's "I hope so " line delivery is one of my favorite parts of the trailer
Polka Dot's "I hope so " line delivery is one of my favorite parts of the trailer
Terrible trailer, could still be good tho
Shark cgi looks terrible and fake even by 2016 standards
Why have the called the sequel the same name smh
they not the first film to do this sadly lol
That rain line right at the end really sucks but the rest isn’t toooo cringe IMO
wish she said Angel's squirtin instead of smooches
Why have the called the sequel the same name smh
You ever seen Fast & Furious? What about The Fast & The Furious?