The ACTUAL fire move wouldve been
Killing the Idris, Cena, King Shark team
And our protagonists are actually Pete Davison, long hair Michael Rooker and that ugly rodent thing
The ACTUAL fire move wouldve been
Killing the Idris, Cena, King Shark team
And our protagonists are actually Pete Davison, long hair Michael Rooker and that ugly rodent thing
That will literally start riots across the globe
The ACTUAL fire move wouldve been
Killing the Idris, Cena, King Shark team
And our protagonists are actually Pete Davison, long hair Michael Rooker and that ugly rodent thing
all these characters are dead early except for Rick Flag
yep also theres a scene in the trailer during the beach action scene where u see a boomerang hitting someone so he must survive
yep also theres a scene in the trailer during the beach action scene where u see a boomerang hitting someone so he must survive
Streets saying they played a different trailer before GvK showings, can anyone confirm?
! looks so goood
Streets saying they played a different trailer before GvK showings, can anyone confirm?
! to be the same one i saw last night
Trailer 2 really should've been trailer 1
Gunn was afraid of warner hiring the trailer team again to make the movie