My office environment isn't ready for outside of work me. I remember we had a discussion about weed and they were complaining about the smell and then was like "sound like you speaking from experience" and I'm just like yeah these niggas herbs
Just got diagnosed with ADHD
Been acting like someone/myself for all my life practically lmao
Now i finally now why i always got behind, cause we simply not wired like regular "NPOs"
The reason why i pre script convos is cause off major anxiety alert and depression
Cant even pick a phone Without letting it ring first and really imagining the entire convo, what the other person might say,, should i call back etc?
It's unbearable
And by the time u can be the real you,u already scared the people off or they just dont understand you cause u have major problems articulating yourself coping with anxiety, a mind that rushes at 1000 km/h with 1000 thoughts buzzing around and u already know u got speech impairments jheez
No 2021 hasnt been fun at all
And my undiagnosed adhd really put a sledgehammer out, smacked into the darkest realms possible
Yep lmfao
totally get how you feel OP. i be doing weird s*** like walk into a clothing store mask off with a scowl on my face just to see if the 19 year old shop assistant is game enough to tell me to put a mask on. walk out, then walk into another store but with my head down avoiding eye contact looking real meek and s***-- i wanna see if they're more likely to tell me to put mine on.
or sometimes i just be choosing random mfs to stare down in the mall. i get so bored of daily life i resort to s*** like this.
Yep lmfao
Its all fun u joyful, wild fantasy and imagination with a mind that goes like a Tesla, its all fun and witty i agree
Very entertaining, like i think my ADHD really helps me alot as an artist/entertainer
But ppl dont realize this mask, this constant overthinking, constant balance seeking battle between what u can do/show/say and what u cant
Add that up with the fact that were bad at reading ppl i mean ppl didnt really didnt get it or thought i was joking when i said;
MFERS i BEEN having major anxiety issues in public places, way before internet needed those stamps in order to feel special, to me goin to a dinner, was like being hung to the back of a monster truck pulling my forward uphill through the mud and stones and trees and whatnots, it was and still is mentally exhausting AF
Being diagnosed explains like 25 years my life but it doesn't help, just explains, goin to get meds this afternoon, overthinking mind and depression is really the ideal method of torture for anyone who wanna play Judas ;( my own mind playing tricks
Its all fun u joyful, wild fantasy and imagination with a mind that goes like a Tesla, its all fun and witty i agree
Very entertaining, like i think my ADHD really helps me alot as an artist/entertainer
But ppl dont realize this mask, this constant overthinking, constant balance seeking battle between what u can do/show/say and what u cant
Add that up with the fact that were bad at reading ppl i mean ppl didnt really didnt get it or thought i was joking when i said;
MFERS i BEEN having major anxiety issues in public places, way before internet needed those stamps in order to feel special, to me goin to a dinner, was like being hung to the back of a monster truck pulling my forward uphill through the mud and stones and trees and whatnots, it was and still is mentally exhausting AF
Being diagnosed explains like 25 years my life but it doesn't help, just explains, goin to get meds this afternoon, overthinking mind and depression is really the ideal method of torture for anyone who wanna play Judas ;( my own mind playing tricks
Wishing the best for u fam u not alone
I feel like this s*** is eating me up inside out, like I can't even be myself even when I'm alone.
Yeah it was only until my girl went through my phone and saw some of my deepest skeletons that I realized we are all as normal as the parts of ourself that we keep tucked away. Always playing a role in some way or another.
Do you experience nervousness or shakiness inside, faintness and dizziness? The idea that someone else can control your thoughts. Feeling others are to blame for most of your thoughts. Trouble remembering things, feeling easily annoyed and irritated. Feeling afraid in open spaces or in public. Thoughts of ending your life. Feeling that most people could not be trusted. Poor appetite, heart or chest pains?
totally get how you feel OP. i be doing weird s*** like walk into a clothing store mask off with a scowl on my face just to see if the 19 year old shop assistant is game enough to tell me to put a mask on. walk out, then walk into another store but with my head down avoiding eye contact looking real meek and s***-- i wanna see if they're more likely to tell me to put mine on.
or sometimes i just be choosing random mfs to stare down in the mall. i get so bored of daily life i resort to s*** like this.
totally get how you feel OP. i be doing weird s*** like walk into a clothing store mask off with a scowl on my face just to see if the 19 year old shop assistant is game enough to tell me to put a mask on. walk out, then walk into another store but with my head down avoiding eye contact looking real meek and s***-- i wanna see if they're more likely to tell me to put mine on.
or sometimes i just be choosing random mfs to stare down in the mall. i get so bored of daily life i resort to s*** like this.
This s*** is so random, but it’s so relatable lmao