  • Dec 30, 2020


    lool think you’re the first person itt to point this out

  • Dec 30, 2020

    China is just on another level. Absolute savagery happening in China.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    america has killed thousands of innocents in the middle east with their drone strikes alone, not even counting what the military has done. stop kidding yourself. just because they arent american lives dosent mean they arent lives.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    yeah man things could be better here and the cops can suck at times but it’s a totally different world elsewhere. people wanna compare us to norway or canada and sure countries like that with less international influence and activity are cool but people don’t realize how good we have it here

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    america has killed thousands of innocents in the middle east with their drone strikes alone, not even counting what the military has done. stop kidding yourself. just because they arent american lives dosent mean they arent lives.

    Obama has the audacity to go on talk-shows to promote his auto-biography and start cracking jokes with the hosts and act like he's a down to earth hip dude when he responsible for killing tens of thousands.

    it's sickening.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    ehh the way it’s going they’ll be writing the history within the next few decades

  • Drogon

    Obama has the audacity to go on talk-shows to promote his auto-biography and start cracking jokes with the hosts and act like he's a down to earth hip dude when he responsible for killing tens of thousands.

    it's sickening.

    Saddest thing is that americans will still eat it up to this day

    young americans on the internet still ‘proud’ of their country n s*** lol

  • 6isco 🦈
    Dec 30, 2020

    they took the year off cause corona

  • Dec 30, 2020

    US killing 1 in every 1,000 of its own citizens btw

    exactly the audacity

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    american cops probably killed more people than all stonings combined in the last few years, for small crimes such as running

    Most people killed by cops where either violent towards them or suicidal, a very tiny fraction of people are killed senselessly

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Most people killed by cops where either violent towards them or suicidal, a very tiny fraction of people are killed senselessly

    "It's sensible to kill suicidal people"

    KTT is on fire today.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    "It's sensible to kill suicidal people"

    KTT is on fire today.

    Never said it was did I?

    That's the path they chose, unfortunate but that's life.

    Some can't be helped

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Never said it was did I?

    That's the path they chose, unfortunate but that's life.

    Some can't be helped

    That's exactly what you said. You said killing suicidal people is not senseless.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    where Tory Lanez?

  • Dec 30, 2020

    I have a China poster in my room

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    That's exactly what you said. You said killing suicidal people is not senseless.

    The reason why cops do it is to protect themselves and others. Suicide by cop is a problem but it makes it up a small amount of police shootings.

    What I mean by senseless is a regular level headed person being killed by a cop.

    Usually suicidal people ignore all orders and commands and the cops are left with no choice.

    A suicidal person willingly throws themselves into such situations. Your context is flawed

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Lol pseudo-government tbh

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    The reason why cops do it is to protect themselves and others. Suicide by cop is a problem but it makes it up a small amount of police shootings.

    What I mean by senseless is a regular level headed person being killed by a cop.

    Usually suicidal people ignore all orders and commands and the cops are left with no choice.

    A suicidal person willingly throws themselves into such situations. Your context is flawed

    You see know problem with sending cops to the home of mentally distressed people? People who are not in the right state of mind to act rationally (ie follow orders) which therefore justifies the resulting killing? This is sensible?

    Cops don't have to murder people to commit human rights abuses either. You can read about heinous cop behavior everyday.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    You see know problem with sending cops to the home of mentally distressed people? People who are not in the right state of mind to act rationally (ie follow orders) which therefore justifies the resulting killing? This is sensible?

    Cops don't have to murder people to commit human rights abuses either. You can read about heinous cop behavior everyday.

    I agree, cops should never go to call to someone who is mentally disturbed or distraught. The only exception is if they attack someone. I know cops do bad things everyday.

    All I do is sort fact from fiction and side with the facts

  • Dec 30, 2020

    twitter not gonna like china being on there let alone 1

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree, cops should never go to call to someone who is mentally disturbed or distraught. The only exception is if they attack someone. I know cops do bad things everyday.

    All I do is sort fact from fiction and side with the facts

    What's the fiction? You're just telling people to care less about cop murders because you think a bunch are justified. You're an apologist of murder.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    What's the fiction? You're just telling people to care less about cop murders because you think a bunch are justified. You're an apologist of murder.

    No I'm not.

    The fact of the matter is vast majority of police shootings are in fact justified. Read up on it.

    Read the details and you'll see
