I wonder what this is going to sound like tbh
based on his tweet it will sound beatiful
Avatar is the biggest movie of all time that had like zero cultural impact lol
But yes I think a lot of people are gonna be checking this out
Avatar is huge brother lol, I think it’s the most overrated movie of all time personally but that doesn’t stop it from being massive
Avatar is the biggest movie of all time that had like zero cultural impact lol
But yes I think a lot of people are gonna be checking this out
The impact is bigger than a lot of people realize. I’ve talked to so many people in the last 6 months who are like regular joe schmoes who cannot wait for this. If the sequels came out 10 years ago, we’d see the impact. It’s not like Star Wars that came out in a time where there was much less to compete with.
Avatar is the biggest movie of all time that had like zero cultural impact lol
But yes I think a lot of people are gonna be checking this out
the zero cultural impact thing is so overblown. There's a whole big ass theme park that is very popular with people. Quotables isn't everything to culture. Avatar and Pandora are clearly still remembered by a ton of people today. The remastered movie that re released this year made 30 mil opening weekend. How many movies that re release will see that kind of an opening weekend? Maybe social media defines cultural impact in really stupid measures but Avatar appealed to the whole world and to a wide range in the population that even the MCU has never been able to do.
Avatar 2 is also on track to make close to 200 mil opening weekend