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  • Sep 1, 2020

    We tote them poles

  • Sep 1, 2020

    if I was anti guns I would be saying all guns should be banned.

  • Sep 1, 2020

    Pull up with the f***in MACaroni on me no cheddar

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    In a perfect world, sure

    but this is America and when I get a place for myself imma be strapped

    and as such a handgun, rifle, or a shotgun should be the only options for civilian's

  • Sep 1, 2020

    I really don’t think the right to bear arms is an issue and shouldnt have much government interference what’s more important is paying attention to the education system, parks and recreation, and available healthcare. If all of that was straight there wouldn’t be any issues with people having guns

  • Sep 1, 2020

    "assault weapons"

  • Sep 1, 2020

    "Guns dont kill people"

    Americans really undefeated

  • Sep 1, 2020

    "Libtards don't realize there is technically no such thing as assault weapons so I'm going to deflect and not make any real points haha pew pew"

  • Sep 1, 2020

    All I'll say is that you dont need it till you need it, and thats the worst time to ever want it if you dont have it.

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Obviously u don't live in a place where niggas think they can try u

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 1, 2020
    2 replies

    No valid reason to be eating meat either but here we are

  • Sep 1, 2020

    and as such a handgun, rifle, or a shotgun should be the only options for civilian's


  • Sep 1, 2020

    Are you dumb or do you just not know history?

    Are you dumb, stoopid, or dumb, huh?

  • legalize recreational nuclear weapons

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you dumb or do you just not know history?

    can u expound more on what you are thinking

    i read the response and thought it sounded ok

  • Sep 1, 2020
    Alfredo Mobstah

    Obviously u don't live in a place where niggas think they can try u

    You living GTA in real life spawning rocket launchers n s***

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    This doesn’t really answer the OP’s point tho, what reason would you have for needing an assault rifle that wouldn’t be satisfies by owning one of the many other guns the OP mentioned?

    What if you live in a border state in a cartel area and there's a home invasion? You want a pea shooter or an AR?

  • Sep 1, 2020

    No valid reason to be eating meat either but here we are

    You’re fighting the good fight

  • Sep 1, 2020

    could say the same thing about me and shoes. no reason for me to have so many. I just think it should be way harder to get a license to buy any kind of gun. and you def shouldn't be able to go just anywhere with one let alone an ar but if you can pass whatever tests they could make then you should be able to go have fun at a gun range if you want.

  • Sep 1, 2020

    No valid reason to be eating meat either but here we are

    Its delicious just had some lamb meat it was amazing perfectly spiced and the meat just melted right of the bone

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    What if you live in a border state in a cartel area and there's a home invasion? You want a pea shooter or an AR?

    The OP advocated for rifle, handgun and shotgun ownership so we’re not really talking pea shooters.

    Couldn’t you just use that logic and try and justify people owning any kind of weapon tho

  • Sep 1, 2020

    Lmao the only possible reason you could justify full on assault weapons for defense is for some sort of revolution and it’s hilarious to think that you owning an AR-15 is gonna have a chance in hell against a military that gets half a trillion dollars of funding a year

    There’s no justification for having them other than hobbyists

  • Sep 1, 2020
    1 reply

    People who like guns and knives are weird to me

  • Sep 1, 2020

    can u expound more on what you are thinking

    i read the response and thought it sounded ok

    He says the millitary won’t turn its back on citizens. History has proven time and time again yes they will if they get ordered to do so.

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