  • Feb 1, 2022

    Never forget

    Niggas went platinum with this post twice

    Legendary 😂

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Never forget

    OP gotta put his ass in a pine box for this one.

  • Feb 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Never forget

    pitiful presentation of own fragility.

  • OP
    Feb 1, 2022

    pitiful presentation of own fragility.

  • Feb 1, 2022

    “It’s E-40, I don’t need 24 hours to fully digest the projects and give my thoughts”

    so you’re implying that albums from one of the wordiest rappers ever take less time than usual to digest??? that’s idiotic and shows that you don’t care about the music. you really just want attention on an Internet forum for listening to a rapper that most people these days hate on… very sad bro i’m sorry you’re so attention deprived

    Yes, I’m the one who wants attention.

  • Feb 1, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    I still just can't get pass hating music discussion on a music messageboard...the f*** do you think this s*** is for

  • Feb 1, 2022
    1 reply

    nah its just how you get into different styles of music and expand your taste if you judge everything based off first listen your taste will just probably remain the same as its always been

    thats kind of a different topic tho, i think even having a discussion of first impressions is fine...and it also just gives other people a chance to talk about those artists discography. like i dont remember the last thread i saw people talking about all of Commons albums but that thread gives a place for it

    1st impressions and grower to me are 2 different things which is a whole nother discussion.

    Liking something and wanting to understand it more imo is different than not liking a project, saying you dont like said project, and telling yourself it just has to grow on you before you like said project, to me, sounds like forcing yourself to like said project.

    I guess the context i tend to hear grower in is for albums/songs that tend to be known as…either mid or not good.

    That make a lil more sense? @MalibuMorgan @hanshan @provider

    Copium was hyperbolic, it just always comes off as phony to me at times

  • 6geW

    wait just realized whose thread this is


  • Feb 1, 2022

    I get that it's actually broadening horizons a bit but there's also a downside to that. The best works actually need more time to digest because they usually offer more than one or two superficial listens can show.

    Both are important imo, context listening (to shove away all the copycats) and repeated listening (to fully embrace a work). Both also contribute to understanding the musical language of a genre, method or style.

  • rvi 🐸
    Feb 1, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    1st impressions and grower to me are 2 different things which is a whole nother discussion.

    Liking something and wanting to understand it more imo is different than not liking a project, saying you dont like said project, and telling yourself it just has to grow on you before you like said project, to me, sounds like forcing yourself to like said project.

    I guess the context i tend to hear grower in is for albums/songs that tend to be known as…either mid or not good.

    That make a lil more sense? @MalibuMorgan @hanshan @provider

    Copium was hyperbolic, it just always comes off as phony to me at times

    yeah i feel this. but also i feel like for me at least the ones that i describe as "growers" are the ones that start out pretty good and eventually become all time favorites. usually if i outright dislike an album it probably wont grow but that very rarely happens anyway tbh

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Never forget

    can’t imagine all this was warranted geez

  • Feb 1, 2022

    you must be real life miserable to be hating people over the Internet this hard

    Go defend yo wife b**** ass nigga

  • Feb 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Yeah man F*** listening to music on a music forum! I don't even like music, I'm just here to talk about first week sales

  • Altar

    Yeah man F*** listening to music on a music forum! I don't even like music, I'm just here to talk about first week sales


  • 1 album a week / month is hard tho.

    i kinda like 1 Album a day cause if you listen to 1 album for a long period just to try it out you might f*** up your mindset

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Real niggas listen to music on mute

  • Feb 1, 2022
    cold mountain

    yeah in between this and the Jay thread you’re a troll

    I’m a troll for criticizing jay?

    That’s wild. Lol. I forgot you not allowed to have an opinion on an artist someone else likes.

  • Feb 1, 2022

    yeah i feel this. but also i feel like for me at least the ones that i describe as "growers" are the ones that start out pretty good and eventually become all time favorites. usually if i outright dislike an album it probably wont grow but that very rarely happens anyway tbh

    Best believe, I’m talking bout the latter.

  • Feb 1, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    I still just can't get pass hating music discussion on a music messageboard...the f*** do you think this s*** is for


  • Feb 1, 2022

    Never forget

    Man all these niggas copied me bro

    Im the only nigga that be posting like this

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Would there be any fuss over the threads if there were no review scores?

  • Feb 1, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's many artists out there who ain't get the praise they did back in the day for being niche artists. DSPs come with their flaws, but the amazing thing about them is that it allows those slept on artists to have something of a second life due to ease of access.

    Remember an artist that you never got around to listening to but saw/heard their name here and there? Go head and run through their catalog. You might just find a new favorite artist and put others on. Music is meant to be shared and discussed.

    3.15.20 album of the life out now!

    how didn’t he blow up with that feature on 2001

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Better than any sales charts thread tbh

  • Feb 1, 2022

    Gonna make a thread listening to every Viper album.

    He releases 350 albums a year. Should be good to document.

    If you only listened to one RxNeph album a day, you would be buried alive in unheard albums in less than a year

  • Feb 1, 2022

    I kinda feel the idea of not being able to digess an album properly when u do these discography dive ins. Used to do these a lot years ago and I would be listening to an album for a 4 to 5 days before I move on to the next and i would still forget the previous album when I move to the next.

    But the s*** is pretty dope to see on the site not everything needs to be super in depth. But it provides some music discussion on this site
