Oh, it’s just this thing where unestablished screenwriters submit their scripts and “the best ones” get put on a list
Air was a recent Blacklist script
The ones I’ve read have been nowhere near as good as this film here
Ah that’s interesting. Appreciate the info
Oh s***, this script was on The Blacklist?
I swear, they pick the most worthless unfilmable garbage for the top seeds, and then have a random gem somewhere in the middle of the deck
Would love to read this
this why i can’t be on twitter before i watch s*** cus i went in expecting a fire movie and it just didn’t hit for me
Finished yesterday.
Very enjoyable. Ecstatic to see a move like this get a real shot at being a real movie, and not just some other Netflix bullshit. Still kinda flew under the radar for ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JAMIE FOXX but yeah… support this original s***, people. Tell everyone about this, and ask them to at least push play on it.
this was great until the "twist" that s*** was lame and felt like an afterthought.
the chicken shop scene made up for it though. seriously haven't laughed like that at a film in a while.
this why i can’t be on twitter before i watch s*** cus i went in expecting a fire movie and it just didn’t hit for me
It kinda started dragging towards the last act but I thought it was fire for a netflix movie.
this was great until the "twist" that s*** was lame and felt like an afterthought.
the chicken shop scene made up for it though. seriously haven't laughed like that at a film in a while.
What twist are you referring to?
Yes the white dudes with Afros were once black men
Ohhhh i aint even peep that
It kinda started dragging towards the last act but I thought it was fire for a netflix movie.
Yeah, that’s my only problem, I felt the drag, but I don’t know why I felt that way
It’s not a super long movie, and everything was pretty interesting, it’s just a little exhausting at a point
Yeah, that’s my only problem, I felt the drag, but I don’t know why I felt that way
It’s not a super long movie, and everything was pretty interesting, it’s just a little exhausting at a point
I feel u. After the white dude came out and explained everything it was kinda like okay I get it now we can speed this along.
Yes the white dudes with Afros were once black men
They be saying they already the minority, they just don’t wanna report the correct numbers
Great movie, corny twist but the corniness kinda hit in its own way. Definitely feel like a flick my unc would put me on as a kid.
Third act of the film felt a bit rushed but it had one of the most interesting 25-40 minutes of a movie I’ve watched in awhile
This was cool. The ending felt a bit rushed when it came to explaining the original Fontaine and his motivations. I felt like it wasn't that compelling enough (with the backstory at least) for the jump between his younger brother and his future genetics career.
Also, if the young Fontaine was killed by Isaac, which would call for Fontaine to be replaced with another clone, shouldn't Isaac also be replaced to prevent the suspended belief when another Fontaine pops up? He shouldn't just keep running into clones if he's fully aware enough to realize he killed one. Am I missing something there?
This was cool. The ending felt a bit rushed when it came to explaining the original Fontaine and his motivations. I felt like it wasn't that compelling enough (with the backstory at least) for the jump between his younger brother and his future genetics career.
Also, if the young Fontaine was killed by Isaac, which would call for Fontaine to be replaced with another clone, shouldn't Isaac also be replaced to prevent the suspended belief when another Fontaine pops up? He shouldn't just keep running into clones if he's fully aware enough to realize he killed one. Am I missing something there?
Yeah I don’t get why bring him back at all?
Anytime someone dies they bring them back and never ran into this problem before? Or if it’s just Fontaine they didn’t think about the repercussions? We saw all they have to do to get him back out lol
Yeah I don’t get why bring him back at all?
Anytime someone dies they bring them back and never ran into this problem before? Or if it’s just Fontaine they didn’t think about the repercussions? We saw all they have to do to get him back out lol
There was a lot of potholes like this throughout the movie that just had to exist otherwise the characters wouldn't have a fighting chance. There's no reason why they weren't immediately killed and replaced with clones as soon as they found out about their secret lab and s***