Love when costume design isn't afraid to use colour to define their characters like this
Might've been pushed to next year
Didn't see it on Netflix's list of remaining movie releases for this year
Niggas on letterboxd who seen a screening seem to like it very much
Might've been pushed to next year
Didn't see it on Netflix's list of remaining movie releases for this year
Niggas on letterboxd who seen a screening seem to like it very much
They postponed Tyrone?
Might've been pushed to next year
Didn't see it on Netflix's list of remaining movie releases for this year
Niggas on letterboxd who seen a screening seem to like it very much
Releases December 30th
Trailer next week Saturday
We got the red band trailer fresh out the gate
after the last awful jamie foxx netflix movie i’m out
Even after this trailer? You wilin'...
Ok Juel Taylor, the director.
This is his directorial debut. He directed two episodes of Lena Waithe's show Twenties and an episode of ANOTHER one of Lena Waithe's shows Boomerang (tv show remake of the classic eddie murphy film).
He wrote the screenplays for Creed II and Space Jam 2.
So we'll see what this is like.