If I open a diet Dr Pepper and forget about it then 1 day, 2 days passes sometimes I’ll finish it on the third day even if it’s flat
Being the co-pilot in my relationship, everyone thinks the man should always lead but I disagree
Pouring the milk before the cereal.
But in my defense you try pouring milk AND protein powder in a cereal filled bowl and tell me how that goes for you
Pouring the milk before the cereal.
But in my defense you try pouring milk AND protein powder in a cereal filled bowl and tell me how that goes for you
Could you elaborate I don’t necessarily understand the protein powder part
Pouring the milk before the cereal.
But in my defense you try pouring milk AND protein powder in a cereal filled bowl and tell me how that goes for you
milk before cereal just always made sense to me tbh
not say good morning if im not having one
rt i just be sayin 'mornin' in those cases
Could you elaborate I don’t necessarily understand the protein powder part
Mixing milk and protein powder (folks use when they bulk)
milk before cereal just always made sense to me tbh
You get the right levels.
And if you want the half soggy feel, just let it sit for a few mins
drink before ice
i just forget about the ice till the last second
gotta do the ice slow or else you gonna make a mess 💀
You get the right levels.
And if you want the half soggy feel, just let it sit for a few mins
i despise even slightly soggy cereal so i just be pouring one layer of cereal in at a time until ive had my fill and then i drink the milk
i despise even slightly soggy cereal so i just be pouring one layer of cereal in at a time until ive had my fill and then i drink the milk
U a demon plants
if i gotta run some errands i really dont wanna do, ill rock pajama pants and a beater at the store, dmv, etc
U a demon plants
u dont even know the half of it
Talking bout this in the middle of a 35 hr fast was not a good idea
You going through it if cereal got you feigning