Exactly. It is unfair that they don't get their credit. There's no denying that.
I’m with you on that
Again though I don’t know how the situation would’ve been improved by SNL calling the skit “AAVE hospital” or something especially with a mostly white cast and Elon Musk’s apartheid ass as the main character of the sketch
Also think it says a great deal about the sorry state of our democracy and organizational activism if we can’t have faith in institutions to implement policy change and systemic change regarding race, so we feel we have to cling to the cultural sphere and instead rely on SNL to deliver some semblance of racial justice
Covid must have done a number on my IQ because I thought the sketch was pretty amusing
KTT2 users could easily write funnier sketches than SNL writers.
Take this Gen Z sketch for example, anyone on here could watch a 10 minuted video about the actual tiktok hospital show and make more complex jokes than "young people talk weird lol". Every time SNL makes a current sketch they come up with the most surface level joke and repeat it over and over again
All I got from the skit was "Those damn kids! Always dressing and talking weird!"
I’m with you on that
Again though I don’t know how the situation would’ve been improved by SNL calling the skit “AAVE hospital” or something especially with a mostly white cast and Elon Musk’s apartheid ass as the main character of the sketch
Also think it says a great deal about the sorry state of our democracy and organizational activism if we can’t have faith in institutions to implement policy change and systemic change regarding race, so we feel we have to cling to the cultural sphere and instead rely on SNL to deliver some semblance of racial justice
Yeah, this is 100% true bro.
If anything this sketch should have just been scrapped and they should have made fun of those awful "influencers" we have nowadays. Now THAT is comedy gold because it still incorporates the "Gen Z" stereotype they wanted.
This just proves the stereotype that Gen Z kids are way too sensitive
Honest question for anyone in the thread
How come when boomers complain it isn't called being sensitive but when kids from gen z get critical about anything (and they bring up a lot of great points) it gets shot down as being "sensitive"
How much longer are we going to sweep them under the rug?
KTT2 users could easily write funnier sketches than SNL writers.
Take this Gen Z sketch for example, anyone on here could watch a 10 minuted video about the actual tiktok hospital show and make more complex jokes than "young people talk weird lol". Every time SNL makes a current sketch they come up with the most surface level joke and repeat it over and over again
It was like a Desi banks “hood niggas be like” video but instead they’ve never been around hood niggas
Honest question for anyone in the thread
How come when boomers complain it isn't called being sensitive but when kids from gen z get critical about anything (and they bring up a lot of great points) it gets shot down as being "sensitive"
How much longer are we going to sweep them under the rug?
Every generation gets made fun. It doesn't matter because grouping people by generations is f***ing stupid as s***.
this might be the worst skit I've ever seen
Chill before you have to make another one of these ktt2.com/what-was-i-even-muted-for-this-time-119588
The worst part about SNL isn’t that they’re not funny
It’s that they think they’re funny and they think they’re really doing something
Covid must have done a number on my IQ because I thought the sketch was pretty amusing
I wouldn’t call it funny, but like you said it’s amusing in a cringe way
Like how satire should be at times.
I think they overdid it a bit, but that was probably the point.
"He gon catch hands on gang"
Why ttf they using s*** in the wrong moment this was all in purpose
Chill before you have to make another one of these https://ktt2.com/what-was-i-even-muted-for-this-time-119588
You won't be around to see it
Get the f*** outta here with that. The terms mfs steal do belong to black people and rap will always be our genre. Just because it’s pop right now don’t mean we can’t claim it cause at the end of the day, it’s still OUR culture. This is why I wish rap didn’t become pop because now cacs and other outsiders take from us and wanna claim the s*** as their own and we ain’t finna have that happen when most of y’all are going to ditch rap once the new trend come along.
Dude it's far too late to try and culture claim hiphop or slangs.
Hiphop and a lot of Afro American slang has become extremely common among people from various cultures and races. I see white boys and mexicans saying deadass, lit, "smoking on that pack", etc. all the time.
Also @localblaccmane , blocked. Don't got time for weirdos like you.
The worst part about SNL isn’t that they’re not funny
It’s that they think they’re funny and they think they’re really doing something
This was kinda funny tjo
It’s crazy we are having this kind of discussion over something so dumb
What's dumb about it? This means a lot to the minority groups who keep getting hijacked.
I'm not saying no one else should be allowed to do it. The main problem is continuously (for centuries) not getting the proper credit. AAVE is a complicated thing but we got to talk about it eventually.
If you mean it's dumb that it took SNL to have this discussion I can agree with that
Honest question for anyone in the thread
How come when boomers complain it isn't called being sensitive but when kids from gen z get critical about anything (and they bring up a lot of great points) it gets shot down as being "sensitive"
How much longer are we going to sweep them under the rug?
But isn’t like the Karen thing and the “ok boomer” thing specifically for that sort of thing?
Dude it's far too late to try and culture claim hiphop or slangs.
Hiphop and a lot of Afro American slang has become extremely common among people from various cultures and races. I see white boys and mexicans saying deadass, lit, "smoking on that pack", etc. all the time.
Also @localblaccmane , blocked. Don't got time for weirdos like you.
oh brother
Bro not just Gen Z was talking like this lol
I was in high school in 2012 and people were calling things "rachet" saying "on fleek" "for days"
It's just pop culture/internet slang that caught on from whatever
Oh yea for sure
I view the difference as sprinkling in aave into your speech vs your speech being largely comprised of aave and faux aave
When pinker produced this the way we used “be” was mocked and ridiculed as bad english but now its the way many young people talk