Have u talked to her since HS or this random
I never even talked to her in high school g that's the funny part I think that's the piece of the puzzle of why it's funny to mr
OP got a point though.
But maybe snap is her only way to get to him.
But yeah OP ain’t feeling her. She ain’t bad, she shoulda shot her shot in hs
OP got a point though.
But maybe snap is her only way to get to him.
But yeah OP ain’t feeling her. She ain’t bad, she shoulda shot her shot in hs
I have her added on FB and ig like there was a point of time where I was adding each and every mutual friend follower to be in-the-know of stuff going on with my peers
Her chance to say
"I have a crush on you 👉👈"
Passed along time ago
Weird flex but ok
Lowkey it is cus this doesn't happen everyday it's funny as sh*t (to me at least)
Beware Ryan with the quick delete
Only deleted because there was literally no point continuing but here:
You came online to tell everyone that you are feeling embarrassed because a girl from your old high school said some sweet things to you a few years too late and I’m the one that’s pressed? 🤨
No point in continuing I agree 🥱
@Xpand what did u ping me with
She probably doing that one tiktok trend
I haven't seen it yet
Am I being trolled
Is it the I want to ruin our friendship one
Cause I sent a merry Christmas snap and she not reading it yet
I haven't seen it yet
Am I being trolled
Is it the I want to ruin our friendship one
Cause I sent a merry Christmas snap and she not reading it yet
There’s trends going on Tiktok where they snap multiple people the same s*** to see how they react to it and they post that s*** on Tiktok, but I could be wrong idk, tread lightly tho fam.
I haven't seen it yet
Am I being trolled
Is it the I want to ruin our friendship one
Cause I sent a merry Christmas snap and she not reading it yet
"Merry Christmas I still like you tho"
Im a lame this doesnt happen to me
WLR Key stop speaking in such a manner
"Merry Christmas I still like you tho"
Please Tell me you didn’t say that
Please Tell me you didn’t say that
I said merry Christmas and that's what she Saud back
I said merry Christmas and that's what she Saud back
Oh nice, make sure to smash that w****!
I mean that respectfully of course