I gave this girl my number before
Worst decision
That's why I don't give out my number unless it's like an employer or deadass you don't have social media cus i can just remove or block
The international students I b making friends with at school b like "let me add you to a whatsapp group chat!!"
You acting like someone calling you handsome is such a bad thing
Your handsome king
What’s wrong with having crushes in your 20s
I have a crush on you 😍
OP crush 1:24
"i'm not interested in a relationship right now" girls always capping when they say that
She gonna try and get you caught up in some forex
See that sh*t on Facebook stories all the time
I think they just cope paste random terms from investopedia
and the uninformed person goes omg he's speaking enchanted table 😍 how do i join
See that sh*t on Facebook stories all the time
I think they just cope paste random terms from investopedia
and the uninformed person goes omg he's speaking enchanted table 😍 how do i join
I already said I'm just writing fanfiction to make ktt2 users mad during a holiday
I already said I'm just writing fanfiction to make ktt2 users mad during a holiday
Ok this wack
I already said I'm just writing fanfiction to make ktt2 users mad during a holiday
Oh u made this s*** up? Thats lame as bro whyyy
Oh u made this s*** up? Thats lame as bro whyyy
Nah i just need an excuse to not provide pics
I dont see why people think this a brag thread
if she less than a 7/10 I feel bad for OP
if she over a 8/10 I still feel bad for OP's decision-skills nahmean