I don’t like dealing with the hospitals out here and I had some wierd caffeine people are sending deat threats and killed a possum and made engine motor sounds when I walked by after getting food . I woke up suffocating and I had to turn around . Maybe it’s the pillow I had … I went to sleep on the floor in my moms room .. my nose is blocked right now and I don’t know what to do I don’t want to go to the ER . Unlesss my mom gets me and Uber to Dallas parkland hospital … and they gave me a shot 2 days ago at some sketchy mental health hospital my mom takes me too and if felt like crap since I’ve had
What you got planned for tonight besides all that brother
Also you need to get some sinex for your nose it’ll clear you up
Could be sleep apnea and if you go to the doctor they can give you a cpap machine after a sleep study if you need it and it will help.
this guy wrote this using his keyboards prediction setting
I’m going on my walk with the dogs now so I’ll call when I’m back in town I will call and see what I need for the dogs to do with them I don’t want to get in the house I don’t know what time I have a little break from the dogs and then I’ll be home I love and I will talk with them later love dad and you have an amazing night see you soon
i remember when i the best music video for me to be in my room for the real quick and easy and i and i que no se puede ser más feliz que la raza y la vida de la vida y que no te vayas de tu mente a tu corazón te quiero mucho te quiero un abrazo y te amo mucho te quiero
Hope the best for you brother. You will find the peace you deserve. Stay positive life is a bunch of moments and moments pass.
I’m going on my walk with the dogs now so I’ll call when I’m back in town I will call and see what I need for the dogs to do with them I don’t want to get in the house I don’t know what time I have a little break from the dogs and then I’ll be home I love and I will talk with them later love dad and you have an amazing night see you soon
This post gave me anxiety and paranoia
If you spam a move thats your fault lol and could say the same thing again when we were blessed
What is remembered greatly in the paaark of the Wild Action Shows that you have to like it and its not for you or just how much