fckn h**** as hell rn
oh wtf wrong thread
What the f*** is going on in this thread?
Let me tell you about it or some s*** that does it for you can 🥫 the whole thing with a squad of the few
Hope the best for you brother. You will find the peace you deserve. Stay positive life is a bunch of moments and moments pass.
ahh yes the one with a good smile on his forehead is a real beauty too much for him and i think it makes me feel better knowing he has the same personality as my cat and i love him too but it also means he has the right to say anything he wants to say or do anything he doesn’t feel comfortable about it so he doesn’t feel guilty for saying anything or doing something that he does and i feel guilty about that and he just wants me in his face to say something so he doesn’t have any feelings and i don’t feel bad for him but he doesn’t feel like he’s not really in the same place and he doesn’t feel like that but he doesn’t know how he wants me and i just feel guilty for not wanting me and he just doesn’t want me and i don’t want me and that’s why he wants me and that’s all that i just feel so i don’t want him and that’s why he’s so sweet to him being a little too many people don’t feel bad about that i feel like he just doesn’t mean anything i don’t want you don’t want him to feel guilty for a reason to be a lot more and that’s all
this s*** happens to me like 3 times a week
pop too many pills, already high off other s***, them panic attacks have me ready to call 911 frfr
i legit be having panic attacks like yo if i close my eyes and fall asleep im not waking up
s*** is terrifying
Just got back from the “mental hospital again” just never felt so bored and the side effects are terrible like decreased s***drive but next time I’m not taking that monthly shot
i legit be having panic attacks like yo if i close my eyes and fall asleep im not waking up
s*** is terrifying
And I was guzzling delsym and drinking robitussin so I was all hot and sleeping for 2 days straight . Last summer was bad … I’ve been on and off for 7 years but this year was so bad for because I can’t get any adderal or acid or whatever anything just some weed from my mums work but sometimes idk if my tollorence is to high or it’s street s*** but it was from some old lady she said and it was good . I think the shot made the weed not agree with it the same day I took the shot in my arm :.. muscles so soar at least I took a break from my phone but fams in the process f moving everything so I’m worried the group home my mom wants me to go to is gunna be some bogus BS
I made a theed like ths one time i was in very heavy psychosis i believd i was trapped in my aprtment.
Op u goinng to be alrighht medication is there to help .
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was the fact that the first thing that came to mind was the fact the first thing you said was that you were going to be in the hospital for a week and then you were going back to work and then you had to go back to work again and then you got to go back to work so you had to go back to work because you were sick and then you went back to work but you didn’t get sick
My cat was fine
I think the meds took out my exitement out of my usual music routine .. and I haven’t had my coffee pod since than so my mind is slowing down dying of boredom.. I really need some crystal and some weed and a clean pipe … I had to sleep on the floor cause I almost suffocated the day after I took the injection … same thing happened durring DONDA 1 season : I litterally woke up gasping for air to the part Ye said .your the air I breathe the ultra ultra light beam … like someone is controlling my life like a sim . Ay tho at least the girls working there flirted w me and some cute e flashed me
First time a sexy white s*** flashed me some C cups and some other girls showing off but on the real they have undercover fake people that know what kind of p*** I watch and make it obvious they know like the playboi carti upside down cross fetish … bruh stop telling me I’m f***in skitzo … people do the most to entertain / scare me that basically thousands of people stalk me I’m not even worth that lame energy
And I was guzzling delsym and drinking robitussin so I was all hot and sleeping for 2 days straight . Last summer was bad … I’ve been on and off for 7 years but this year was so bad for because I can’t get any adderal or acid or whatever anything just some weed from my mums work but sometimes idk if my tollorence is to high or it’s street s*** but it was from some old lady she said and it was good . I think the shot made the weed not agree with it the same day I took the shot in my arm :.. muscles so soar at least I took a break from my phone but fams in the process f moving everything so I’m worried the group home my mom wants me to go to is gunna be some bogus BS
Ngl I went to a inpatient rehab about a year ago cus I was drinking too much, that s*** rly helps if it's not a s***ty rehab place. Been f***ing with the edibles too much if I can't get it under control I'll probably be back in rehab
Good luck figuring things out, d**** suck ass bro avoid that s***, being happy sober is the best