what you are looking at is 6 n half hours of catalog work under 3 different aliases . plug,spac hand luke, amen andrews
5 hours of it not available on the streaming platforms. i hope the fam and new people who stumbled on this enjoy it. i’ll do another vibert drop next month under a different name of his.
btw here’s the audio stream of the remaining drop outside the plug work -
3 hours n 36 minutes this saves you a lot of time to track down and listen because it’s one click play and you can put it on in the background and go about your day. You know how much time that saves you? aaaaaaaaaaa lot and it’s all in order 😎
if you missed it, this is my drop for today.
sunday is the new drop after a 3 day hiatus. it will be a great one and some of you will be glad this is here for you. 😎
Love your presevation & info spreading efforts @op
Definitely interested in similar stuff to it, OP.
The first thing that comes to mind are the Don’s of the scene
Metalheadz label
Ed rush & optical
Full cycle label
4Hero & Reinforced label
Good Looking label
How this album cover any different than doing black face smh
It’s a family photo. i don’t think he’s endorsing it. This was reality that his grandfather was this person. since he doesn’t do many interviews it isn’t commonly known this is a disguise.
You ask how is he able to do that? Because no one at the label knew. i didn’t even know for a long time. I don’t think he even sees it as racist.
it would be a interesting discussion to have with him. But he isn’t on this site
interestingly he used another photo from the same time period of his grandfather. i doubt the label knows still
that’s my take on this