France is f***ed, freedom of speech my ass. They just announced you can’t take pictures of police anymore that s*** can get you jailed or fined. It’s supposed to protect the people that protect you 💀💀💀💀
offensive cartoons: protected by freedom of speech
complaining: not protected by freedom of speech, kick rocks b****
sounds about right
Supporting free speech in rhetoric so you can spread your hate, while in practice being anti-free speech when it suits you in the name of "Western/French/Dutch/someothercacshit values".
Straight out the fascist playbook.
u acting like all muslims going everywhere beheading people 'the other side'
please just shut the f*** up
I disagree with bad thing
But also disagree with other bad thing
We need to fight bad thing without doing bad thing
Caucasian country. Next
Turks arent white you idiot
For the record I dont agree with the islamophobic a******s in this thread either
Yeah i know so many white people whos names are Ahmet. Go visit a turkish mosque and see if they are white
Dumbass take
This thread is just divided between leftists with legit concerns(I actually kinda agree with you guys for once) and islamophobes.
No, not all europeans like this, this kind of s*** isnt popular in my country. But no, telling a teacher to stop isnt the same as executing them, it is not the fault of innocent musliks
I agreed with the rest of Macron policies but this is too far and extremely unfair