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  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies
    George Dubya Kush

    Imagine being a hypocrite, muhammad was a colonizer himself

    keep crying
    Y’all getting out of your closets so fast

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Red Stone Mask

    keep crying
    Y’all getting out of your closets so fast

    It is true that the early Muslims invaded the middle east and north africa, and the ottoman committed genocide.

    This does not at all excuse Islamophobia tho

  • Red Stone Mask

    keep crying
    Y’all getting out of your closets so fast

    Your nervous cries wont change history.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies

    It is true that the early Muslims invaded the middle east and north africa, and the ottoman committed genocide.

    This does not at all excuse Islamophobia tho

    Im from middle east, i got first hand experience, sadly these days people believe criticizing islam = islamophobia

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    George Dubya Kush

    Im from middle east, i got first hand experience, sadly these days people believe criticizing islam = islamophobia

    Are you a muslim?

    Also islam is just a religion. I criticise islamism which is a political ideology

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you a muslim?

    Also islam is just a religion. I criticise islamism which is a political ideology

    Parents didnt care for religion so grew up with no restriction on what i was supposed to believe

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    George Dubya Kush

    Parents didnt care for religion so grew up with no restriction on what i was supposed to believe

    Ah ok

    I'm not a Muslim but I'm all for religious practice provided it isnt forced, dont believe in treating muslims differently

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    George Dubya Kush

    Imagine being a hypocrite, muhammad was a colonizer himself

    Name me one war which muhammad started by himself. He defended the small muslim community in persia etc. and himself.

    As the Prophet’s practice reveals, offensive war is forbidden in Islam. Islam allows only for defensive war, and that too only when this becomes absolutely unavoidable.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Ah ok

    I'm not a Muslim but I'm all for religious practice provided it isnt forced, dont believe in treating muslims differently

    Fair enough, but when you criticize muslim countries and why they dont allow religious freedom you are called a islamophobe..

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    George Dubya Kush

    Fair enough, but when you criticize muslim countries and why they dont allow religious freedom you are called a islamophobe..

    Those countries are bad for that but it's good to aim at countries not people

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    Name me one war which muhammad started by himself. He defended the small muslim community in persia etc. and himself.

    As the Prophet’s practice reveals, offensive war is forbidden in Islam. Islam allows only for defensive war, and that too only when this becomes absolutely unavoidable.

    Lol, nice try. Like you said during muhammad islam was just getting started so the wars were tribal. Islamic conquests started after backed by the doctorine that he left behind

  • TragedyBerlusconi

    Those countries are bad for that but it's good to aim at countries not people

    It's necessary to point out the flaws of islam and why it shouldnt be the "moral backbone "of a governing body tho

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies
    George Dubya Kush
    · edited

    Lol, nice try. Like you said during muhammad islam was just getting started so the wars were tribal. Islamic conquests started after backed by the doctorine that he left behind

    but you said he was a colonizer (not the ones who followed him) himself and what do you mean with doctorine

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies
    Majin balotelli

    but you said he was a colonizer (not the ones who followed him) himself and what do you mean with doctorine

    He was a colonizer based on his doctorine or if you want to call it his followers "perception" of his doctorine

  • rwina sawayama

    freedom of speech hittin rn !

    i mean there is a reason why racist le pen almost got 35 % in the latest national elections.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    3 replies

    There are different ways of "colonizing" even European nations had different ways of treating their colonies
    Fyi, things are unique like Belgium colonizing the Congo is considered an unique way of colonization
    However one trait all European colonies shared is the belief of racial superiority, and the effects of that linger till today in the modern world

    If you believe that's it's the same as Muslims taking over the middle east or romans taking over Europe, that's a poor reading of history.
    We don't have to reduce history to its lowest common denominator "everyBody ConquEred lAnD ThUs Evyrone is A cOlonIzer"
    , it doesn't help people understand jack
    There were different practices laws applied within these conquests.

    I don't believe people spewing this actually believe that all colonizations were the same, I think flattening the European colonizations to "it was the biggest invasion, that's it" suits certain ideologies very well but I won't say more on that...

  • George Dubya Kush

    He was a colonizer based on his doctorine or if you want to call it his followers "perception" of his doctorine

    Literally admitting to making it up as you go along. No one give this degenerate troll anymore responses

  • DonutHole
    · edited

    There are different ways of "colonizing" even European nations had different ways of treating their colonies
    Fyi, things are unique like Belgium colonizing the Congo is considered an unique way of colonization
    However one trait all European colonies shared is the belief of racial superiority, and the effects of that linger till today in the modern world

    If you believe that's it's the same as Muslims taking over the middle east or romans taking over Europe, that's a poor reading of history.
    We don't have to reduce history to its lowest common denominator "everyBody ConquEred lAnD ThUs Evyrone is A cOlonIzer"
    , it doesn't help people understand jack
    There were different practices laws applied within these conquests.

    I don't believe people spewing this actually believe that all colonizations were the same, I think flattening the European colonizations to "it was the biggest invasion, that's it" suits certain ideologies very well but I won't say more on that...

    This is true, altho even then racial hierarchy is nor uniquely European at all

    The indian caste system originated in the invading aryans creating a system which guaranteed the supremacy of their lighter skinned descendants

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Muslims colonized brutally too, they destroyed the culture and language of the nations they invaded and force them to become "believers". And it goes on to this day! Even recently when they destroyed the bbuddha statue in afghanistan,, right now the ayatollahs islamic government is destroying the nature and history of iran as we speak....

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies
    George Dubya Kush

    Muslims colonized brutally too, they destroyed the culture and language of the nations they invaded and force them to become "believers". And it goes on to this day! Even recently when they destroyed the bbuddha statue in afghanistan,, right now the ayatollahs islamic government is destroying the nature and history of iran as we speak....

    Were they considered less than human even after converting to Islam?

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