Used to not believe in this s*** but damn i've recently just reading up on all this stuff comparing it to me and people i know and being like damn this really me/them S*** is pretty scary how accurate it is tbh
It's a great icebreaker with women that's about it for me.
I can respect that I was the same i only knew my own sign so i could answer it whenever a girl asked. This s*** kinda deep tho
of course it is
It is. Don’t let anyone grumpy say it’s corny bc it’s kinda cool once you talk to people and find how it does sorta match up. I suggest enegrams too @op
Just don’t take it too seriously and it’s a lot of fun. You’re still in control of your own life
It is. Don’t let anyone grumpy say it’s corny bc it’s kinda cool once you talk to people and find how it does sorta match up. I suggest enegrams too @op
Just don’t take it too seriously and it’s a lot of fun. You’re still in control of your own life
the hell is a enegram
Sounds a lot like a enema to me
I just looked up what that was
Did not know those were called that lol
Sounds a lot like a enema to me
enneagrams are another strain of personality tests in the same vein as MBTI
ya know, basically the same thing as astrology but it's backed up by """""science""""" so it's ok to partake in
Used to not believe in this s*** but damn i've recently just reading up on all this stuff comparing it to me and people i know and being like damn this really me/them S*** is pretty scary how accurate it is tbh
astrology is a pretty convoluted system that has a very long fated history in different religions (such as buddhism or hinduism)
nowadays it's demonized and disparaged within the west due to white new age spiritualists who aren't really actually into spirituality or any sort of metaphysics in general, and are really in there for the aesthetic and the appearance of being into this type of s***
the horoscopes that are constantly cycled through nowadays were not an original product of astrology, neither were astrologers being compensated originally for their interpretive work.
tl;dr: western astrology is a b******ization of actual astrology
It gets complex & interesting after you go past just the sun signs & start exploring house placements, planet relationships within your chart, etc
If you’re only comparing sun signs your doing it completely wrong & it becomes a shallow study
It is but people assume you just mean the calendar fortune cookie type astrology s*** you used to see on pop ups and s***. When people learn how to respect the past and learn how they lived on this planet before us they’ll be a bit more open to realizing just how smart past civilizations were.
Goofy s***